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Published March 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Ogunquit, Maine. Conceptual plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; and for site work for a bridge / tunnel.

To assist the Town of Ogunquit, Maine in the preparation of design drawings and bid documents and the coordination/procurement of requisite permits for the replacement of a pedestrian footbridge crossing the Josias River at Perkins Cove and Harbormaster Building.. Project and Background: The existing footbridge provides pedestrian access from the Perkins Cove to Auberge Hotel. The scope of the work included in the proposal is as follows: -The scope of work for the project includes an interactive process through public meetings and forums with Town Officials, Staff and residents during all phases, including development of concepts, design criteria, appearance, aesthetics, layout and details. -The engineer shall provide complete design and permitting services related to the replacement of the Perkins Cove Footbridge. A replacement bridge of similar function and character to the existing bridge is desired that addresses at a minimum the following items: - Bridge type, location, and geometry: A movable draw bridge in generally the same location/alignment as the existing bridge with a minimum clear width of 5' 6". Horizontal and vertical clearances to the navigation channel shall meet or exceed existing conditions and shall satisfy all USCG (United States Coast Guard) requirements. Bridge elevations should consider potential for flooding damage to the bridge structure and any mechanical and electrical components throughout the life of the bridge. - ADA Compliance: The design shall incorporate ADA compliant features to the greatest extent possible in the context of the historic structure, including, but not limited to, approach gradients, railings, deck surface, etc. - Bridge Loading: Pedestrian Bridge loading in accordance with AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications, no vehicular loading is anticipated. Fenders shall be provided along navigation channel to protect structure from vessel impact loading. - Mechanical Systems: Design of mechanical systems shall consider the need for year-round reliable operation in a coastal environment with up to 50 openings per day during the summer season. Controls shall incorporate safety features to prevent use by the public and prevent access to movable spans during operation. - Maintenance and Design Life: The replacement bridge design shall be based on a 75-year design life. Design shall consider both up front and maintenance costs. - Engineered to meet all Federal Standards: This project will involve a significant amount of federal funding, as such the engineering and design must meet all federal and NEPA standards Qualifications: Consultant qualifications should match the intended project and scope of services. Longevity, durability and low maintenance are important for the replacement footbridge. A qualified consultant will need to demonstrate knowledge of similar timber trestle type construction in a marine environment with detailing for longevity, low maintenance and constructability; knowledge of marine pile driving and associated technical specifications; ability to estimate anticipated construction costs, and experience with the necessary permitting and construction observation. Please submit references along with similar projects completed by firm. For questions regarding the project, please contact: Matthew Buttrick, Town Manager Town of Ogunquit PO Box 875 Ogunquit, Maine 03907 207-646-5139 tow All Requests for Information shall be in writing and addressed to townmanager@ogunquit.gov The Town of Ogunquit reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formality or irregularity and to make the award of contract in the best interest of the Town of Ogunquit as the Owner. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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May 16, 2023


To Be Determined, Ogunquit, ME

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