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Site work for a water / sewer project in Cupertino, California. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

A. Project Description. The Project scope of Work includes repairing and stabilizing channel banks that are eroding at 10 locations. The Work includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. Compliance with NPDES General Permit, including Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs); 2. Compliance with BMPs described in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Final Calabazas Creek Bank Rehabilitation Project Mitigated Negative Declaration dated May 2021; 3. Compliance with regulatory permit conditions, including those from California Department of Fish and Wildlife 1602 Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit, and CWA Section 401 Water Quality Certification (San Francisco Bay Region Water Quality Control Board); 4. Site, noise and vibration monitoring; 5. Pre-construction and post-construction documentation; 6. Control of water, including diversion of upstream drainage and channel flows, monitoring measurements and reporting of water quality before and after construction as needed, and proper handling and disposal of groundwater and flows that are byproducts of the required construction; 7. Clearing and grubbing within the Project limits, including the removal of vegetation, existing concrete rubbles in the channel, rock riprap protection and other miscellaneous items; 8. Creek embankment grading and excavation, including testing and disposal of unsuitable materials to the permitted facilities; 9. Creek embankment fill, including reuse of excavated soil and import materials to replace unsuitable materials, as required to re-establish the channel as-built geometry; 10. Method A placement of rock slope protection using D-10 gradation and installation of steel sheet piles using supercrush silent piling methods; 11. Installation of erosion control mat, hydroseeding and vegetation planting along the finished surface of the embankment slopes; 12. Temporary and permanent removal and replacement of City of Cupertino chain link fences and gates to provide access for plant establishment within the plant establishment period; 13. Temporary traffic control system necessary to perform the Work as incorporated and described in the final plans, specifications, and addendums, including within the City of Cupertino Creekside Park, Miller Avenue, Bollinger Road, staging area(s), and other ingress and egress locations to and from the Project sites; 14. Establishment of construction staging area(s); 15. Removal of identified invasive (non-native) species; 16. Three (3)-year hydroseed and (5)-year planting establishment maintenance period; 17. Continuous monitoring and removal of identified invasive (non-native) species as part of the five (5)-year planting establishment phase; 18. Proper winterization of exposed construction Work prior to significant rain events, including removal of construction equipment and appurtenances from the main channel; 19. Protection of existing residential fences, City of Cupertino's gates and fences and their associated appurtenances; 20. Temporary removal of City of Cupertino's park gates and re-installation after the five (5)-year planting establishment phase; Online Q&A - Yes Q&A Deadline - 04/25/2022 5:00 PM (PDT) Estimated Bid Value - $13M - $15M *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


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10455 Miller Ave, Cupertino, CA

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