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Published May 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Monroe, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of May 24, 2022 This project is awarded to Accurate Networks with awarded amount of $13,530.92 MCISD is seeking bids to replace our existing WinPak access controls solution that includes software, access controllers, and card readers hardware. Currently, there are 16 doors connected to this system and we will be adding access controls to 10 doors for a total of 26 doors. The new doors will need electronic strikes added to work with the solution. Also, we will consider replacing existing doors maglocks with electronic strikes as an optional consideration as outlined below. Another optional consideration will be interior classroom doors Any questions concerning the bid should be directed to Nicholas Hay via email at nicholas.hay@monroeisd.us The MCISD is asking vendors to answer questions on the bid response form about any integrations available with security camera and video intercom doorbells. This will be taken into consideration during the bid evaluation process as we are considering the value of the integrations to these other systems. Awarding of the bid is pending final approval of purchase from the MCISD Board of Education. Vendor shall include estimated delivery dates of equipment quoted at the time of your bid submission. Bids shall be binding for sixty (60) days from bid opening and prices will be binding for the length of the contract. The Vendor will add the necessary components to the new doors not connected to our existing access controls system. Electric latches are preferred, but if a door cannot support electric latches, the Vendor shall note this on the bid form. All access doors should fail secure, unless otherwise noted on the specifications or required by fire code. All access doors must have door position contacts to notify the system if left open. Bids are to be submitted to fully comply with all aspects in the specifications. Any deviation from what is listed is to be noted on your bid response form, or the bid may be considered rejected. MCISD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and bids, including that of the lowest bidder; or to accept bids either in whole or in part; to award contracts by individual items or by lump sum total; or to waive any informalities, defects or omissions in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of MCISD to do so.




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Multiple Locations, Monroe, MI

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