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Published April 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Flemington, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

The Owner and Architect have determined that only DPMC Trade Classifications listed below are deemed eligible to bid this project. C008 General Construction C009 General Construction / Alterations and Additions Each bidder must deposit with his Bid, a security in the amount of not less than 10% of the Bid, but in no case to exceed $20,000, in the form of a certified check or standard bid bond and subject to the conditions provided in Section B: "Instructions to Bidders". The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the contract and satisfactory in form, execution and sufficiency of surety. All bidders are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq., Affirmative Action Against Discrimination (N.J.A.C. 17:27-1 et seq.), Executive Order 11246 regarding Equal Employment Opportunity, and Chapter 33, Laws of 1977, regarding Disclosure of Partners and Stockholders. A non-collusion affidavit, certificate of pre-qualification, and affidavit as to total amount of uncompleted contracts must accompany each bid. All contractors are subject to background checks. Refer to Section B Instructions to Bidders for additional information. All bids shall be irrevocable, not subject to withdrawal and shall stand available for a period of (60) sixty days. The hunterdon central regional board of education board of education reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities in any bid, or to award separate contracts or a lump sum contract (as applicable), in such a manner as shall be, in the judgment of the board of education, deemed in the best interest of the school district, all in conformity with the law. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Extent of storm sewage systems work is indicated on Drawings and schedules, and by requirements of this section. B. Contractor shall clean debris, soil, sediment and foreign materials from all inlets and manholes within the scope of the construction areas and flush connecting sewer pipes and manholes clean. Also refer to site clearing specification. Dispose of waste materials in a legal manner off-site. C. Contractor shall repair/reconstruct existing inlets and manholes receiving new pipe connections. D. The contractor shall maintain on-site drainage at all times. To accomplish this, temporary bypass piping, pumping or other means may be needed. The site shall not be allowed to flood. Any soils damaged by storm water flooding open excavations shall be completely removed to the satisfaction of the engineer and replaced with controlled compacted fill to its original depth. E. Along trenches, contractor shall reconstruct pavements in accordance with the plans and detail for "Heavy Duty Pavement" shown on the plan. F. The contractor shall verify the activity of all storm sewers, roof drains, floor drains and other pipes encountered during excavation work, that are uncovered during earthwork, or found during other utility work. Also refer to pre-demolition work utility location requirements. Reconnect active storm sewers when encountered, to new storm sewer system. G. The contractor shall perform up to 3 flow & dye tests to determine the source of any underground sewer pipes that are not currently mapped and provide this information to the engineer for direction on how to re-connect, divert or abandon. H. Existing Utilities: Contractor shall be responsible for locating all existing utilities before commencing with any demolition work or new construction. Underground pipe locations, sizes & materials on drawings were obtained from existing mapping and field observation, and should not be considered accurate. If unmapped or incorrectly mapped utilities are encountered which will obstruct new construction, or affect new construction, then the contractor shall immediately contact the Engineer for direction. See provision for utility mark out location survey in related Division 2 sections.




Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

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84 NJ-31, Flemington, NJ

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