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Published April 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Portola Valley, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (Midpen) issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) for transportation planning services related to the Hawthorns Area of Windy Hill Open Space Preserve (Hawthorns Area). Questions related to this RFP must be submitted by the deadline in the above schedule via Periscope or email to Alex Casbara at acasbara@openspace.org. Answers and updated information will be distributed to all teams receiving this RFP via Periscope. Midpen anticipates a scope of work to be completed over three phases, described in the table below. The section that follows describes key tasks identified by Midpen. Consultants are requested to identify missing and/or optional tasks, including associated fees, that might improve the assessment. Assume two rounds of review for all deliverables. Consultant will include a separate scope and fee for evaluating the engineering feasibility of a conceptual design that would add turn lanes (right-hand and/or left-hand turn lanes) along Alpine Road to facilitate access to a potential existing or future driveway into the Hawthorns Area. Consultant will include time for coordination and consultation with the Town to discuss such improvements within the Town's right-of-way. This optional additional task will require Midpen authorization prior to Consultant initiating the work. Consultant will anticipate potential parking conditions; peak visitation days and levels; and transportation and circulation behavior at the Hawthorns Area, considering the current pandemic-related travel and visitation pattern shift. Consultant will analyze Midpen's Windy Hill Open Space Preserve lower parking lot (Windy Hill lower lot) located at 555 Portola Road in the Town, approximately one mile west of the Hawthorns Area. Using data and visitor survey information collected at Windy Hill lower lot, Consultant will anticipate parking demand at the Hawthorns Area and identify multimodal access opportunities to encourage other modes of travel besides single occupancy vehicles. All proposals will become the sole property of Midpen. Midpen reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received and to request additional information or clarification as necessary. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Portola Valley, CA

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RFP - Transportation Planning Services - Hawthorns Area of Windy Hill OSP

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