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Site work for a civil project in Cold Spring, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and water / sewer project.

TYPE OF WORK: Grading, Aggregate Base, Bituminous Trail and Turf Restoration Approximate major items of work are: Grubbing 40 EA; Excavation - Common 4,164 CU YD; Excavation - Subgrade 4,817 CU YD; Select Granular Embankment (LV) 7,558 CU YD; Geosynthetics 32,632 SQ YD; Aggregate Base (CV) Class 5 3,596 CU YD; Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2,C) 2,472 TON; Masonry Culvert Repair 5 LUMP SUM; 18- to 36-Inch RC Culvert 300 LIN FT; 6-Inch Perforated PE Pipe Drain 6,820 LIN FT; 6-Inch Concrete Walk 262 SQ FT; Wire Fence Design 60V-9322 260 LIN FT; Wooden Fence 4,128 LIN FT; Sign Panels Type C 54 SQ FT; Silt Fence 10,000 LIN FT; Sediment Control Log 8,520 LIN FT; Common Topsoil Borrow (LV) 2,925 CU YD; Seeding 6 ACRE; Pavement Markings Multi-Component 305 SQ FT; Multi Comp Gr In Pavement Markings (WR) 68748 LIN FT. Paper copies of the Plans and Proposals may be examined and obtained at the Office of the Stearns County Highway Department at 455 - 28th Avenue South, Waite Park, Minnesota, 56387 (PO Box 246, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302). Requests for plans must be accompanied by check, draft, or money order, payable to the Stearns County Treasurer. Plans are $60.00 non-refundable. Minnesota Sales Tax (7.125%) is included in all counter purchases and on all orders shipped to points in Minnesota. In order to submit electronic bids, purchasers of paper copies will need to provide. Site Directions: Beginning in the city of Cold Spring at 2nd Avenue along abandoned railroad corridor and ending 75 feet west of the west end of 235th Street in the city of Rockville, Stearns County, MN


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work




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