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Published April 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in White Haven, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

1.1 Background. The Francis E. Walter Dam project is located in Carbon and Luzerne Counties in White Haven, PA. It is operated and maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Philadelphia District. Francis E. Walter Dam is congressionally authorized for flood control and recreation. The roads and grounds include an earth fill dam with a rock embankment and public roadways USACE is responsible to maintain. Calendar year 2021 was deemed the Atlantic's third most active hurricane season on record, resulting in storm damage across the east coast. Francis E. Walter Dam was impacted by several tropical storms and highlighted by Hurricane Ida. The aftermath resulted in large fallen trees and smaller wooden debris that floated onto the embankment at the high-water mark. Dam safety practices require all debris be removed from the embankment to protect the integrity of the structure, allow visual inspection, and prohibit the growth of any vegetation. In addition, USACE owns approximately 7 miles of paved public roadways and several miles of public dirt access roads they are responsible for operating and maintaining. Periodically, it is required to cut and trim trees back (daylighting) from the edges of the road shoulders on both sides of the roadway. This provides road daylighting in the winter months for snow melt, provides better driver visibility and straight-line site in any condition, and removes deadfall and other hazards that could fall onto the roadway. During periods of heavy snow and ice, tree branches hang across the roadway obstructing view, travel, and has the potential to cause vehicular damage. This action was last completed in 2008. 1.2 Scope of Work. The intent of this acquisition is to provide a service contract for debris removal on the rock embankment dam as the base, and to provide daylighting on public roadways in specified areas under Section 3 Performance Requirements. Three separate areas will be identified and itemized as separate options. This contract will include a base plus three options. 2.0 General Requirements Debris removal and tree trimming shall be provided at Francis E. Walter Dam located in White Haven, PA. The requirements of the "Contractor" under this action are described in the following sub-sections. 2.1 General. The Contractor agrees to furnish debris removal on the embankment of the dam and tree cutting and trimming along public roadways as described in Section 3, Performance Requirements. 2.2 Government-Furnished Materials. The Contractor is expected to provide all manpower, equipment, and materials required to complete the scope of work for this action. 2.3 Location and Hours of Duty. Accomplishment of the services outlined in this Performance Work Statement will be performed at Francis E. Walter Dam Monday thru Friday 0700 to 1530 unless alternate arraignments are made with project staff. 3.0 Performance Requirements 3.1 The base portion of this contract is for debris removal on the upstream face of the dam embankment. The Contractor will remove all dead fall, trees, logs, and driftwood from the embankment larger than four inches in diameter. The Contractor will provide all necessary equipment, tools, and manpower to complete this task. Once removed, the debris will be hauled to a location on the project site as directed by the Authorized Representative of the Contracting Officer (COR). The embankment is defined as the rock rip rap that encompasses the outer face of the dam to each individual contact point. The period of performance for this area may vary depending on how the Contractor executes this task. Francis E. Walter Dam impounds an additional 70 feet of water starting around April 1 until Columbus Day Weekend in October. The Contractor can access this area with the use of a motorboat during the summer pool timeframe or a vehicle once the lower road is no longer flooded. The Contractor is responsible for all traffic control and safety procedures as applicable. 3.2 Option 1 of this contract is for tree trimming and cutting to the edge of the road shoulder beginning from the intersection of State Route 940 to the Power Boat Launch. This area encompasses approximately 3 miles. The limits of the road shoulders are clearly defined as the grassy area being mowed by USACE staff on both sides of the roadway. Several sections of guiderail exist on this roadway, trimming and cutting distances should be consistent with the adjoining road shoulders behind the guiderail. The Contractor will remove all limbs and trees that overhang this area to an approximate vertical elevation of 60 feet, which is the average working height for a standard bucket truck. The Contractor will chip all limbs and brush removed using a woodchipper. Depending on adjoining property boundaries, the Contractor will chip in place and scatter spread (not pile) into the adjoining wooded area where the wood chips will eventually decompose during a normal composting period. Areas where private property adjoins the USACE easement, the Contractor will be required to chip into a truck and haul to an onsite location. The COR will identify these areas during the contract kickoff meeting and consult with the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for all traffic control and safety procedures as applicable. 3.3 Option 2 of this contract is for tree trimming and cutting approximately four feet off the edge of the access road identified as the "gage road". This is a gravel road open to public travel for access to the Lehigh River from 1 March through Columbus Day in October. This road also provides USACE access to the USGS gaging station downstream of the dam. This area encompasses approximately 1.8 miles. The Contractor will remove all limbs and trees that overhang this area to an approximate vertical elevation of 60 feet. The Contractor will chip in place and scatter spread (not pile) into the adjoining wooded area where the wood chips will eventually decompose during a normal composting period. The Contractor is responsible for all traffic control and safety procedures as applicable. 3.4 Option 3 of this contract is for tree trimming and cutting to the edge of the road shoulder beginning north of the project office to the reservoir area. This area encompasses approximately 0.4 miles of roadway but is intermittent near the project office. The road shoulders are clearly defined as the grassy area being mowed by USACE staff on both sides of the roadway. Two sections of guiderail exist on this segment, trimming and cutting distances should be consistent with the adjoining road shoulders behind the guiderail. The Contractor will remove all limbs and trees that overhang this area to an approximate vertical elevation of 60 feet. The Contractor will chip in place and scatter spread (not pile) into the adjoining wooded areas. The Contractor is responsible for all traffic control and safety procedures as applicable. 3.5 Traffic control is the responsibility of the Contractor. Adequate signage, safety procedures, and notice within work zones are required and should be consistent with industry practices. Adequate personal protective equipment is required by the Contractor including but not limited to high visibility clothing, helmets, eye, hand, feet, and ear protection, chaps, and all applicable fall protection required when working out of the bucket truck. The Contractor will submit a traffic control plan, work plan, and applicable activity hazard analysis (AHA) for approval by the USACE Safety Office prior to commencement. The Period of Performance is 2 May 2022 to 30 November 2022. The NAICS Code for this project is 561730, Landscaping Services. Estimated cost range of the project is $25,000 to $100,000. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


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Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, White Haven, PA

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