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Published June 3, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and addition to a water / sewer project in Elmhurst, Illinois. Completed plans call for the addition of a water / sewer project; for the demolition of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

DuPage Water Commission Greeley and Hansen 600 East Butterfield Road 100 South Wacker Drive Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-4642 Suite 1400 Chicago, Illinois 60606. Invitation to Bid Owner invites sealed Bidder's Proposals for the Work described in detail in the Contract and generally described as follows: Electric Generation Facility Modifications including the relocation of a trailer mounted generator unit into a Generator Building expansion which includes: selective demolition, fuel tanks and fuel piping modifications, plumbing, electrical, instrumentation, HVAC system modifications, a fuel management and environmental monitoring system, application of architectural finishes, the start-up, calibration, and field acceptance testing of the relocated engine-generator unit and four (4) other existing stationary engine generator units as a complete system and other appurtenances required for a complete system, at the DuPage Pumping Station in the City of Elmhurst, Cook County, Illinois. The Work shall be performed at the following Work Site: DuPage Pumping Station, 600 East Butterfield Road, Elmhurst, Cook County, Illinois 60126. 2.The Bidding Documents The Bidding Documents consist of the following documents, all of which are by this reference made a part of this Invitation for Bidder's Proposals as though fully set forth herein: (1) Invitation for Bidder's Proposals; (2) General Instructions to Bidders; (3) Special Instructions to Bidders; (4) Addenda, if issued; (5) Bidder's Proposal; (6) Bidder's Sworn Acknowledgment; (7) Bidder's Sworn Work History Statement; (8) Form of Bid Bond; (9) Request for Additional Information, if any; (10) Bidder's Sworn Statement of Responsibility, if requested; (11) Other Information Submitted by Bidder, if requested; and (12) Notice of Award. 3.The Contract The Contract consists of the following documents, all of which are by this reference made a part of this Invitation for Bidder's Proposals as though fully set forth herein: (1) Contract Agreement; (2) Contractor's Certification; (3) Schedule of Prices; (4) General Conditions of Contract; (5) Special Conditions of Contract; (6) Contract Drawings; (7) Specifications; (8) Form of Performance Bond; (9) Form of Labor and Material Payment Bond; (10) Prevailing Wage Ordinance; and (11) Addenda, if issued. Inspection and Examination; Pre-Bid Conference A Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement must be signed before Owner will release the Bidding Documents and the Contract to a prospective Bidder. The NonDisclosure and Confidentiality Agreement, the Bidding Documents, and the Contract may be examined by a prospective Bidder at the offices of Owner and Engineer as listed above. Contact Jessica Haney at (630) 834-0100 to obtain a copy of the flash drive. However, that (i) the required Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement shall have been signed by a prospective Bidder; and (ii) the security requirements set forth in the Contract shall have been complied with, including without limitation providing to Owner's Facilities Construction Supervisor, R. Christopher Bostick, a list of all Persons requiring access at least 48 hours in advance. all prospective Bidders shall be held at the Work Site on May 18, 2022, at 9:00 o'clock, A.M., local time. At least one Person employed by each Bidder must attend the pre-bid conference, in addition to any other representatives a prospective Bidder may choose to invite. THE BIDDER'S PROPOSAL OF ANY BIDDER THAT FAILS TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE PERSON EMPLOYED BY SUCH BIDDER ATTEND THE PRE-BID CONFERENCE SHALL BE REJECTED. No representatives or invitees of a prospective Bidder shall be permitted to attend the pre-bid conference unless (i) the required Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement shall have been signed by the prospective Bidder; and (ii) the security requirements set forth in the Contract shall have been complied with, including without limitation providing to Owner's Facilities Construction Supervisor, R. Christopher Bostick, a list of all Persons requiring access at least 48 hours in advance. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish Bonds and Certificates and Policies of Insurance in accordance with the Contract at the Closing.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Addition, Demolition, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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600 Butterfield Rd, Elmhurst, IL

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