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Published August 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Shelby, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The City of Shelby is accepting bids on a culvert replacement project located near 1028 Cumberland Dr. in Shelby, NC. The project consists of the replacement of approximately 60 linear feet of 36" CMP pipe and reconnecting the new pipe to an existing open throat catch basin and concrete headwall. Contractor's Responsibilities: o Remove approximately 60 linear feet of existing 36" CMP pipe and replace with 36" double wall HDPE pipe in the road. THE CITY WILL SUPPLY 60LF OF 36" HDPE. The new pipe shall be bedded with wash stone. The new pipe shall be reconnected to the existing open throat catch basin and existing concrete headwall. o The street cut shall be backfilled with at least 8" of compacted ABC stone and 4" of S9.5C asphalt. All edges shall be cut square with a saw. (City of Shelby Standard Detail 3.01). o Contractor will be responsible for removal and replacing any soil that is deemed unsuitable. Compacted select backfill to 95% standard proctor in 6" lifts. o Contractor will be responsible for setting up a road closure and any other applicable safety measures needed for the work zone. o Contractor will be responsible for cleaning up and disposing of all construction materials from the project site upon completion of the project. o Disturbed areas shall be resowed with seeding and straw All work completed as part of this project will carry a one (1) year warranty beginning at the completion of the project. A utility locate must be called in prior to work commencing. The bid award for this project will be based on the "Total Project Bid." This list is intended to provide the basic scope of work; any incidental work that is related to this project will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. Proof of valid contractor's license (if required based on bid amount) must be submitted as part of the bid package. A Certificate of Insurance will be required from the low bidder prior to beginning construction. The project shall be started within 14 days of a Notice to Proceed being issued. After mobilization, the project must be complete in 21 days (weather days will be accessed as needed). Liquidated damages in the amount of $500 per day will be enforced for work not completed by the applicable deadline. Please call Tyler Brooks at 704-669-2064 if you have any questions during the bidding or construction process.

Under Construction

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Cumberland Dr, Shelby, NC

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