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Published May 16, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Duchesne, Utah. Conceptual plans call for site work for a transportation facility; and for paving for a transportation facility.

Utah Department of Aeronautics (UDOT) and Duchesne City over the next five (5) years. Work may be accomplished during the course of multiple grants. The Duchesne Municipal Airport will retain the services of an engineering consultant to provide professional engineering, environmental, surveying, testing, FAA grant preparation and administration assistance, and construction inspection for, but not limited to the following projects (or project components): 1. Acquire Snow Removal Equipment 2. Airfield Pavement Maintenance 3. Construct Helicopter Parking Apron 4. Relocate / Install Aviation Fuel System 5. Shift/Extend Runway 17/35 and Construct Parallel Taxiway A 6. Construct Hangar Taxi lanes and Expand Apron. The services are limited to those projects that can be expected to be initiated within five (5) years of the date the initial contract is signed by the consultant. With the understanding that not all projects can be foreseen, with mutual agreement between the sponsor and the FAA, new projects may be added after the original selection is made. Qualifications will only be accepted from firms that can demonstrate the ability to do airport projects or projects of similar complexity.


Transportation Terminals


Public - County

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May 24, 2023


To Be Determined, Duchesne, UT

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