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Saving Project...

Published August 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Normal, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Illinois State University is seeking bids for contractors to provide all labor, material, equipment, and services necessary to remove and replace existing gravel parking lot with new 6" concrete parking lot, including striping, on the campus of Illinois State University. Work shall include the removal of the existing gravel and the installation of 6" concrete and striping, and associated work. In response to COVID-19, until further notice, ISU is enabling electronic submission of submittals (e-bidding). New electronic submittal regulations and instructions are noted below. We will also be opening this solicitation to accept physical paper submissions from vendors with pending IPG number, or no IPG number. ISU will continue to maintain and follow all Illinois Procurement Code Regulations and Rules. Any submittals received after the identified due date and time will not be accepted or evaluated. Either electronic submissions OR paper submissions will be accepted for this solicitation. IMPORTANT- If electronic submission is preferred, please read the attached E-Bidding instructions for critical information. This bulletin is the only official source of documents for this bid. Clarifications or modifications to drawings or specifications will be posted via addendum. To give questions appropriate consideration and to give bidders time to respond to the resulting clarifications, the University requires that all questions be submitted no later than4:30pm May 25th, 2022 to Jackie Gunderson at jnmaste@ilstu.edu. *Updated BEP Utilization Information* A list of University-supplied NIGP commodity codes has been included in Part III of this solicitation's BEP Utilization Plan. Per the Utilization Plan's instructions, vendors who request a waiver from the goal on the basis of good faith efforts must exhaustively contact each vendor certified with the University-supplied commodity codes and document that contact in the Utilization Plan's Good Faith Efforts Contact Log. Waiver requests cannot be granted without exhausting outreach efforts in accordance with the Utilization Plan. If the list of University-supplied NIGP commodity codes excludes a code that a prospective respondent or BEP-certified vendor believes should be included with the solicitation, additional codes may be requested and must be submitted by the question deadline for this solicitation. These requests should be made through a commodity code addition form supplied by the University buyer assigned to this solicitation. Email the buyer to obtain this form. If requested, additional University-supplied commodity codes may be added to the Utilization Plan by addendum at the University's discretion. All responses must include: Submit 1 copies of the response as defined in the specifications. Sealed envelopes containing the bids have the bid number and project title on the envelope. Bid security (see complete bid for details). A letter from a surety company in substantially the form set forth in the Instructions to Bidders assuring the issuance of the performance and payment bonds. There is a 30 percent BEP goal for this procurement. See solicitation documentation for details.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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100 N University St, Normal, IL

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