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Saving Project...

Published August 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Buxton, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Work shall consist of furnishing all material, labor, and equipment to properly seal random cracks in bituminous concrete pavement, which MUST EXCEED ASTM Standards D6690 Type 4 Joint and Crack Sealants, Hot-Applied, for Asphalt Pavements (formerly ASTM D3405) PART 2 -- MATERIALS CRACK SEALANT: A Hot-Applied polymer modified asphalt product used to seal cracks and joints in bituminous concrete pavement. "DETACK": A liquid detackifying solution sprayed over freshly sealed cracks to allow vehicular traffic prior to cure. A. Air compressors shall be portable or fixed and capable of furnishing not less than 90 psi pressure at nozzle. The compressor shall be equipped with traps that maintain the compressed air free from oil and water. B. Manually operated gas-powered air broom designed especially for cleaning pavement surfaces shall be used to remove a sufficient amount of debris, dirt and dust from cracks. C. Hot-Air Lances for blowing clean cracks shall be a compressed air device. D. Melting kettles shall be of the double-boiler, indirect fired, portable type. The space between the inner and outer shells shall be filled with a suitable heat transfer oil having a flash point of not less than 530 F. The kettle shall be equipped with a satisfactory means for agitating the crack sealant. This may be accomplished by continuous stirring with mechanically operated paddles. The kettle shall be equipped with a thermostatic control calibrated between 200 F and 550 F. The kettle shall be mounted on rubber tires and shall be equipped with a metal shield beneath the firebox to protect the pavement. E. Wand applicator shall be connected to the holding tank through a heated applicator hose that ensures the safety of the operator and keeps the material at proper temperature at time of application. F. Hand tools shall consist of brooms, shovels, metal bars with chisel shaped ends, wire wheel routers V-Squeegies and any other tools that may be required to accomplish the work. Scope of Work Preparation A. VEGETATION: When cracks show evidence of vegetation, it shall be removed. B. CLEANING: All cracks will be thoroughly cleaned by use of hot compressed air lance. C. DEBRIS REMOVAL: All old material and debris removed from cracks shall be cleaned from pavement surface by means of manually operated air broom, compressed air or by hand brooms as necessary. Preparation of Crack Sealant A. Crack sealant material shall be heated and applied at temperatures specified by the manufacturer. Field blending of materials will not be accepted. Installation of Crack Sealant A. Crack sealant shall be applied to the cracks using a heated wand applicator following cleaning by hot compressed air lance. B. Crack sealant shall be bonded to the pavement and may be slightly concave. C. When necessary, "DETACK" shall be sprayed over sealed crack to allow traffic to pass over. PRECAUTIONS A. No crack sealant shall be applied in wet cracks or where frost, snow or ice is present or when ambient temperature is below 40_F. WORKMANSHIP All workmanship shall be of the highest quality. All excess and spilled sealer shall be removed from the pavement and discarded. PAY ITEM Contractor pricing shall be a unit price per gallon to include all preparation and sealing of cracks specified herein, and traffic control. Proof of Insurance Requirements Proof of insurance meeting the town's specifications must be provided before the contractor begins work for the Town of Buxton. (Minimum coverage limit of $1,000,000 for General Liability & Commercial Auto Liability, and proof of Workers Compensation Coverage is required) References List the names and addresses of two (2) customers, for whom the bidder has provided similar services. Include dates, contact persons, and telephone numbers. Should any reference submitted by the bidder be found unsatisfactory, the Town, as its sole option, may reject that bidder's offer. The Town shall be the sole judge in determining a satisfactory or unsatisfactory reference response. References must be submitted with the bid response. IF you have any questions regarding the bid specification please contact Kevin Kimball at 929-4400.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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July 12, 2022

August 12, 2022


Multiple Locations, Buxton, ME

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