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Published August 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a civil project in Flagstaff, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

*Piedmont Environmental Sciences, Inc., 104 Bigbee Trl. Morrisville, NC 27560 in the amount of $182,524.22 THE GOVERNMENT REQUIRES PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THESE DOCUMENTS (Title, identifying no., date): The USDA Forest Service, Coconino National Forests, Flagstaff, AZ, has a requirement to replace and rehab the submersible well pump according to specifications included MAGNITUDE OF PROJECT: is between $100,000 and $250,000. This solicitation is a 100 percent Total Small Business Set-Aside. NAICS: 237110 ($39.5 Million) Small Business Set-Aside. PSC: F015 Davis-Bacon Wage Determination applies. Payment and Performance bonds are required. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. SCOPE OF CONTRACT The objective of this project is to replace the submersible well pump, drop piping with casing spacers, check valves, level sounding piping, well pump electric cable and any necessary fittings and appurtenance. A new water meter shall be set in the existing pump house. Also included in this base bid is assessment/adjustment of existing pump controls (for new submersible pump and existing booster pumps), including a new control sequencer for booster pump. PROJECT LOCATON The project is located at the Pinegrove Campground, on the Flagstaff Ranger District. The campground is approximately 25 miles southeast of Flagstaff, Arizona. Driving time from Flagstaff is approximately 35 minutes. The coordinates of the location is latitude 35.026188 and longitude -111.460126. C.3 MAGNITUDE OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Magnitude of project is between $100,000 and $250,000 Commencement, Prosecution, and Completion of Work (APR 1984) The Contractor shall be required to (a) commence work under this contract within 10 (ten) calendar days after the date the Contractor receives the notice to proceed, (b) prosecute the work diligently, and (c) complete the entire work ready for use not later than 30 (Thirty) calendar days after NTP. The time stated for completion shall include final cleanup of the premises. KEY PERSONNEL (a) The Contractor shall assign to this contract the following key personnel: Licensed Plumber (State of Arizona). (b) During the first ninety (90) days of performance, the Contractor shall make no substitutions of key personnel unless the substitution is necessitated by illness, death, or termination of employment. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer within 15 calendar days after the occurrence of any of these events and provide the information required by paragraph (c) below. After the initial 90-day period, the Contractor shall submit the information required by paragraph (c) to the Contracting Officer at least 15 days prior to making any permanent substitutions. (c) The Contractor shall provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances necessitating the proposed substitutions, complete resumes for the proposed substitutes, and any additional information requested by the Contracting Officer. Proposed substitutes should have comparable qualifications to those of the persons being replaced. The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor within 15 calendar days after receipt of all required information of the decision on substitutions. The contract will be modified to reflect any approved changes of key personnel. USE OF PREMISES A. Driveways, Walkways, and Entrances: Keep driveways, walkways and entrances serving premises clear and available to emergency vehicles and pedestrians. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials, unless approved by the COR. B. During construction, any locked areas to the public shall remain locked or closed. All gates shall be locked at end of each day. C. Confine storage of materials to areas as approved by the COR. D. Only potable water shall be used for all work throughout this contract. Solicitation No: 127EAX22R0033 Project Name: Pinegrove Campground Water Well Rehabilitation Page 11 ARCHAEOLOGICAL OR HISTORIC SITES If a previously unidentified archaeological or historic site(s) is encountered, the Contractor shall discontinue work in the general area of the site(s) and notify the Contracting Officer immediately. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Renovation, Site Work





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19356 Lake Mary Rd, Flagstaff, AZ

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