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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Providence, Rhode Island. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) is seeking qualification statements and proposals for the development of rate filings before the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to address cost of service. The estimated period for services is July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024 consisting of a two- year contract with two one-year renewals at the discretion of NBC. NBC is a non-profit public corporation established in 1980 by an act of the Rhode Island Legislature. NBC was created for purposes of acquiring, operating and upgrading the Providence wastewater collection and treatment facilities. On January 1, 1992 the former Blackstone Valley District Commission was merged into NBC. NBC is governed by a 19-member Board of Commissioners consisting of nine members representing the municipalities in the service area and ten gubernatorial appointments. Empowered with responsibilities ranging from ensuring that NBC operates with a balanced budget, to approving contracts for improving and maintaining the treatment facilities and wastewater collection system, the Board meets monthly to guide the direction of NBC. The NBC is funded through a system of user charges and the retail billing of 85,300 customers in its service area. NBC isregulated by the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and must receive PUC approval for changes to its tariffs. NBC is also regulated by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and the United States Environmental Protection Agency for compliance with the Federal Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. NBC owns and operates the State's two largest wastewater treatment facilities and provides wastewater collection and treatment services to more than 390,000 residents and approximately 7,700 business in the metropolitan Providence and Blackstone Valley areas. The Field's Point wastewater treatment plant provides services to the City of Providence, the Towns of Johnston and North Providence, and portions of the Town of Lincoln and the City of Cranston. The Bucklin Point wastewatertreatment plant providesservicesto the Cities of Pawtucket and Central Falls and portions of the Towns of Lincoln, Cumberland, Smithfield and the City of East Providence. NBC owns, operates, and maintains the Ernest Street Pump Station adjacent to Field's Point along with six outlying pump stations. NBC isresponsible for 61 combined sewer overflows, 110 miles of underground interceptors and 32 tide gates. NBC producessustainable energy on-site with its wind turbines and Field's Point and the biogasfacility at Bucklin Point. In addition, NBC earns Net Metering Credits(NMCs) through the generation of power from NBC owned offsite facilities and Power Purchase Agreements. NBC sells the Renewable Energy Credits generated from these facilities. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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December 14, 2022


Multiple Locations, Providence, RI

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