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Published January 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Crownpoint, New Mexico. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Division of Behavioral and Mental Health Services (DBMHS), Crownpoint Outpatient Treatment Center is in need of commercial duct cleaning for 3 buildings 1. an approximate 2,044 s.f. facility; 2. an approximate 2,644 s.f. facility; 3. an approximate 1,813 s.f. facility located in Crownpoint (McKinley County) New Mexico. Building 1. Administration Property # (None) Ducts are located in the floor. Building 2. Counseling (stone building) Property #2314 Ducts are located in the ceiling. Building 3. Conference/Kitchen Property #2313 Ducts are located in the ceiling. Requests for Information Due Date 05/27/2022 @ 5:00 pm MST Vendors are encouraged to conduct a site visit during the onsite pre-bid meeting to verify ducts and amount of work, ceiling heights, etc. This is due to no construction drawings available. 1. Commercial standards for preparing ducts for cleaning, actual cleaning and disposal of waste. 2. Building furnaces, compressors and other heating, cooling and ventilation components are to be cleaned with filters changed. 3. Duct registers and return air covers evaluated and replaced as needed. 4. Vendor will be responsible to repair any damage caused by workmanship. Existing damage will be reported to the authorized representative on staff immediately upon discovery. 5. All applicable safety codes are to be adhered to before, during and after the services are completed. 6. General preventive maintenance and cleaning guidelines will be provided as training to onsite staff prior during and after the service. 7. The identification and labeling of zones, supply lines, return and other ducts will be provided. 8. Any warranty information will be made available upon completion of work. 9. All areas need to be cleaned after work, staff need to be informed of work schedules, duration and possible hazards (air quality, etc.). 10. Contractor is responsible for field verifying measurements Costs to be submitted in a separate sealed envelope. (Detailed breakdown of costs: Material, Labor, and other applicable costs; AZ State Tax and 6% Navajo Nation Sales Tax. The Navajo Nation Division of Behavioral and Mental Health Services (DBMHS) is a federally funded program operating outpatient and inpatient counseling services throughout the Navajo Nation. All interested parties are invited to review and respond to this Request for Proposal at their discretion. All questions pertaining to the contents of this RFP as a respondent can contact via email Michael Salabiye, Planner - DBMHS/DOH at michael.salabiye@nndoh.org



Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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To Be Determined, Crownpoint, NM

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