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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Questions & Clarifications: Any clarification required by a proponent must be requested in writing to the responsible Buyer indicated in the Solicitation. Such requests must be provided in due time before the closing date in order to allow proper consideration and a reply. The response to a request for clarifications submitted by any Proponent will be posted on the Website as an Addendum. Withdrawal or Modification of Bid: Proponents may withdraw, replace or modify their bid up until the specified closing time, provided that this is done in writing. Any modification or replacement of a bid must be done in the same format as defined in the Solicitation. NOTE: FAXED / ELECTRONIC modifications are acceptable Rectification Period: Procurement opens and reviews the Bids to determine if all mandatory submission requirements have been met in accordance with the Solicitation Document. If the bid fails to meet the mandatory submission requirements, Procurement will notify the Bidders that there is a second opportunity to meet the mandatory submission requirements within the rectification period of two business days. Once the rectification period deadline passes, Bids still failing to meet the mandatory submission requirements are disqualified and will not be evaluated further. All bids satisfying the mandatory submission requirements are then passed along to the evaluation team for further evaluation. Exceptions to this are technical addenda, if a technical addendum is not acknowledged, the Bidder will be disqualified and there is no rectification allowance for incorrect submittal of a two-envelope submission (two PDFs due to Covid-19), or for failure to include a required bid deposit. Tenders requiring bid deposit: If a tender requires a non-refundable bid deposit only those companies who have complied with this request will be considered for acceptance. TENDER CONTENTS: (Section Applies to: Construction Contracts, Services & Sale of Municipal Property ONLY!) Bid Security: Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to the Cape Breton Regional Municipality or a Bid Bond on CCDC Form 220 for ten (10) percent of the tendered sum. Any withdrawal of the successful tender shall constitute forfeiture of the bid deposit. Performance Security: A Performance Bond in the amount of fifty (50) percent contract price and Labour and Material Payment Bond in the amount of fifty (50) percent of the contract price will be required upon notification of award and before the signing date of the contract or issue of the Purchase Order. Alternate Securities Acceptable: As an alternate to the Security Deposit and the Consent of Surety requirements stated herein, Contractors may submit a ten (10) percent bid security certified cheque, and subsequently upon notification of award, an additional ten (10) percent contract security certified cheque, in lieu of contract stated bonding. Accompanying Documents: (Please note that only what is listed on the Mandatory Check List is required for this particular solicitation) All bids must include the following documents: - "Check List" Completed in full /Signed /Dated(Including acknowledgement of addenda) - The signed Schedule "A" Municipal By-Law Compliance form attached to the tender documents. - The signed Schedule "B" Trade Agreement Acknowledgement form attached to the tender documents. - A letter of Good Standing/Clearance from the Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia - Proof of current and valid Workplace Safety Certificate of Recognition (COR) from an authorized institution (East Coast Mobile Medical, HSE Integrated Limited, Nova Scotia Construction Safety Association (NSCSA), Nova Scotia Trucking Safety Association, Occupational Health and Educational; Services 2002 Inc, Safety Services Nova Scotia or equivalent) - Completed/signed Appendix "A" Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Health & Safety Questionnaire. - General liability insurance. Prior to Contract Award - In accordance with section nine (9) of the CBRM Procurement Policy, the successful tenderer may be required to provide an approved Commercial Property Zoning Confirmation, issued by CBRM's Development Officer, prior to award of contract. Following completion of the tendered work, letters of clearance from both organizations, dated no earlier than the final day worked on the project, must be submitted with the final invoice for the project. This will form a condition of the tender in addition to any other conditions within the contract documents and specifications. The Cape Breton Regional Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all tenders or to accept any tender or part thereof considered to be in its best interest.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Sydney, NS

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