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Published October 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Simsbury, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the demolition of a fire / police facility; for the construction of a 5,800-square-foot fire / police facility; and for site work for a fire / police facility.

The Department of Administrative services (DAS) Construction Services (DAS/CS) is seeking the services of a highly talented and experienced CA team. The team will provide the designated services as indicated in 1.13 below to the DAS/CS in support of the Reconstruction State Police Firing Range located at 100 Nod Road, Simsbury, CT The existing Firing Range Training Facility is well past its useful life expectancy. The State Police have been training on this site since the 1930's with the current buildings constructed in the 1960's. The facility needs to be re-constructed to provide an improved and useful training environment for the State Police and to raise the facility above the flood elevation. The existing Firing Range Training Facility (Facility) Site consists of two temporary trailers, a two-story Range House (including the Range Tower), two firing ranges, two Conex boxes, three portlets, and approximately 40 parking spots. The existing Facility is past it's useful life. The existing structures are in disrepair and are highly exposed to flooding. Flooding is also responsible for the loss of training hours, supplies and equipment due to water damage. The Site does not have on-site stormwater infrastructure (catch basins, manholes and piping) to assist in draining the Site during heavy rainfall events. Rainfall runoff in the vicinity of the three buildings is collected within the low-lying areas west of the Pistol Range. A single pump located on the southwestern portion of the Pistol Firing Range collects and discharges water off site. Utilities on the Site include an on-site wastewater collection system and a well. Electrical and telecommunications are provided via overhead lines from Nod Road. There is no fire suppression system on the Site. The Site is located within a FEMA Zone AE due to its presence within the 1% annual chance (100- year recurrence interval) flood. New re-construction is estimated at 5,800 g.s.f. of conditioned space and will be elevated above the flood plain on piers. The Work will also include reconstruction of both the 50 yard range and backstop and the 200 yard range platform, canopy, and backstop berm. Associated site work will include reconfiguring the main entrance, repairing the existing berms and other associated sitework. The design team will be responsible for evaluating on-site soils which will be disturbed by the proposed Work and determine if any remediation or containment will be required For All Questions: Randy Daigle, DAS/CS Policy & Procurement Unit DAS Construction Services Office of Legal Affairs, Policy & Procurement 450 Columbus Blvd. Suite 1302 Hartford, Connecticut 06103 Email: randy.daigle@ct.gov and DAS.CS.RFQ@ct.gov


Fire / Police


Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work

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October 28, 2022

December 28, 2022


100 Nod Rd, Simsbury, CT

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