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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in White Plains, New York. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) anticipates the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking the services of a firm(s) to provide renovations and operations of a service station facility at a rest area located on the Hutchinson River Parkway (HRP), in the vicinity of North St., White Plains, NY. The Proposer selected as a result of this solicitation will be authorized to execute a lease with NYSDOT for the use of the property, subject to provisions contained in the RFP. Responsive and responsible consultants interested in receiving notification of the RFP release should submit a brief, one-page Letter of Interest (LOI) to . The base term of this contract is twenty (20) years. The contract may be extended for two (2) five year renewal options. CR Number: 2087721 Under the requirements of NYS Finance Law, all communication regarding advertised projects are to be channeled through the NYSDOT Office of Contract Management Designated Contact Person. Until a lease is approved by the NYS Office of the State Comptroller, contact with any other NYSDOT employee concerning this project should not be made unless otherwise directed by the NYSDOT Office of Contract Management. Communications made contrary to this policy and deemed an attempt to influence the outcome, may result in disqualification. If any other NYSDOT employee is contacted and they believe a reasonable person would infer that the communication was intended to influence the procurement, the contact must be reported by the NYSDOT employee. If NYSDOT determines an impermissible contact was made that offeror cannot be award the lease. A second violation would lead to a four-year bar on the award of public contracts to the offeror. Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Set Aside: No Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Contracting Goal: 0% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0%


Service Station / Car Wash

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Hutchinson River Pkwy, White Plains, NY

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