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Saving Project...

Published June 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Wilson, North Carolina. Working plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

**As of June 24, 2022. The Project received no bids. No definitive date yet for the rebid.** The City of Wilson is accepting bids for alley and drainage improvements in the existing Goldsboro Street Alley per the design documents. In case of default by the contractor, the City of Wilson may procure the articles or services from other sources and hold the contractor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. The City of Wilson reserves the right to require performance bond or other acceptable alternative guarantees from successful bidder without expense to the City of Wilson. : Payment terms are Net not later than 30 days after receipt of a correct invoice or acceptance of goods, whichever is later. Invoices are preferred by the City to be sent by e-mail to cowaccts@wilsonnc.org. Unless otherwise provided by special terms and conditions or specifications, it is understood and agreed that any item offered or shipped has not been sold or used for any purpose and shall be in first class condition. All containers/packaging shall be suitable for handling, storage or shipment. If this contract contemplates deliveries or performance over a period of time, the City may terminate this contract at any time by providing 60 days' notice in writing from the City to the Vendor. In that event, any or all finished or unfinished deliverables prepared by the Vendor under this contract shall, at the option of the City, become its property. If the contract is terminated by the City as provided in this section, the City shall pay for those items for which such option is exercised, less any payment or compensation previously made. Any costs incurred by Vendor in preparing or submitting offers are the Vendor's sole responsibility; the City will not reimburse any Vendor for any costs incurred or associated with the preparation of proposals. A requested price increase may only become effective after approval of the Purchasing Manager in writing. Price increases will need to have sufficient justification as to the reason why the increase is being requested. The City will need 30 days written notice before price increases can become effective, failure to notify the City of a price increase will result in payment of invoice at prior written contracted/agreed upon pricing until the conditions are met. A price decrease will only need to be communicated to the Purchasing Manager for documentation purposes. The City reserves the right to inspect, at a reasonable time, the equipment, item, plant or other facilities of a prospective Vendor prior to Contract award, and during the Contract term as necessary for the City's determination that such equipment, item, plant or other facilities conform with the specifications/requirements and are adequate and suitable for the proper and effective performance of the Contract. The recommendation of award by city council represents a preliminary determination and not a legally binding acceptance of the bid or proposal until the city has executed a written agreement in a form agreeable by an authorized city official. All vendors (new, current or potential) must register with our Vendor Registration system through Vendor Registry at the link. All proposals/bids received become the property of the City of Wilson and information included therein or attached thereto shall become public record upon their delivery to the city. Submission of a bid/proposal in response to a request constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions and requirements contained in the request. Contractor certifies that, as of the date listed (2017), it is not on the Final Divestment List as created by the State Treasurer pursuant to N.C.G.S. Chapter 147 Article 6E. In compliance with the requirements of the Iran Divestment Act and N.C.G.S. Chapter 147 Article 6E, Contractor shall not utilize in the performance of the contract any subcontractor that is identified on the Final Divestment List. All qualified proposals/bids will be evaluated and award made to the firm(s) whose proposal/bid is deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Wilson, all factors considered. The City of Wilson reserves the right to reject any and all offers if determined in its best interest.

Final Planning

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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June 21, 2022

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Goldsboro St S, Wilson, NC

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