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Site work for a water / sewer project in Portland, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

PROJECT: 2022 Oregon Slough Clamshell Maintenance Dredging LOCATION: North Portland Harbor, Portland, OR and Columbia River, OR and WA MAGNITUDE OF CONSTRUCTION: Betw een $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 NAICS: 237990 SOCIO-ECONOMIC: Total Small Business Set-Aside BIDDER INQUIRIES All inquiries regarding this solicitation are to be submitted via ProjNet-Bidsm. Telephone and email inquiries will not be accepted. ProjNet-Bidsm is a web-based program that allows bidders to post questions regarding the solicitation and to view all questions by other bidders and answers by USACE. ProjNet-Bidsm can be accessed through ProjNetsm at To access the ProjNet-Bidsm website the first time: 1) Click the Bid tab 2) Click Bidder Inquiry. (The Agency is USACE.) 3) Enter the following information for access: The Bidder Inquiry Key VY26P2-JS45G4 Valid business contact information (e.g. Company name, contact person, business address, phone number and email address). (required on first project only) Establish secret question and answer which will be used as a password. (required on first project only) 4) For subsequent access use your email address, the Bid Inquiry Key and response to the secret question to access the ProjNet-Bidsm Module. 5) Submit questions or review questions and answers. (A bidder who submits a question will receive an automated email notification that their question has been received. When an answer is posted to a question, the question and answer is then available for all other bidders to review. 6) For a specific step-by-step for POSTING YOUR INQUIRIES, is available in the Reference link on the Contract Viewer. 7) For questions about the ProjNet-Bidsm, please contact the Call Center help desk toll free at 1-800-428- HELP, which operates from 8AM to 5PM (Central US time zone). ProjNet questions can also be emailed to the helpdesk at No response will be posted to inquiries after the Close of Business on the week preceding the solicitation due date. All bidders will be held to have reviewed the questions and responses in ProjNet-Bidsm prior to bid submission. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS HARD COPY SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Bids are due no later than the time and date specified in Block 13 of Standard Form 1442, or SF 30 if applicable. Bids received at the Government Point of Entry after the date and time in block 13.A. of the solicitation will be considered a late bid, and will not be considered for award. Offeror shall submit its Bid via email to Kristel Flores at and Kristina Morrow at Offerors should enter a description for every file submitted. For files over 20 megabytes (MB) the offeror shall break the file into smaller files sent via separate emails, each marked to identify which number the email is relative to the total number of emails submitted (i.e. "one of four"). Once all of the emails submitted have been received, the Government will confirm receipt via return email. If an offeror submits multiple bids, the Government will only consider the last bid submitted prior to the bid due date and time. The electronic Bid shall be in Portable Document Format, filename extension: ".pdf" and suitable for viewing in Adobe Reader. Offerors shall bookmark and label each electronic PDF to afford easy identification from the Bid table of contents. Do not assume submission will be instantaneous. File size and number of files submitted shall be considered. Offeror/Teammate/Subcontractors should allow adequate time for submission completion because the entire Bid (i.e. offerors submission and all teammate/subcontractor(s) independent submissions) must be received by the time and date specified in Block 13 of Standard Form 1442, or SF 30 if applicable. To avoid rejection of an offer, the offeror must make every effort to ensure its electronic submission is virus-free. Bids, or portions thereof, submitted with the presence of a virus or which are otherwise unreadable will be treated as unreadable pursuant to FAR 15.207(c). The requirement that an original and copy(ies) be submitted as found in block 13A of the SF1442 is satisfied through the electronic submission. Additionally, electronic submission of the bid guarantee, when a bid guarantee is required, is due with the bid submission (mailing a bid guarantee is not allowed) . BID OPENING No hard copy documents are allowed to be submitted at the bid opening. Due to the requirement that bids be submitted electronically only, bid opening is scheduled for one hour following the bid due date and time to allow the Contracting Office time to download all bid documents. The bid opening will be held telephonically at 2:00 pm on the date bids are due. Offerors wishing to participate in the telephonic bid opening shall email a list of their participants to Kristel Flores at and Kristina Morrow at In the email subject line use title, "W9127N22B0015 2022 OR Slough Clamshell Maintenance Dredging Bid Opening". The telephone number and security passcode for offerors to utilize will be provided via return email to the offerors initial email including the list of its participants. There will be no physical bid opening held at the Portland District, therefore, offerors are advised that they shall not plan to attend a bid opening in person on the day of bid opening. The Contractor shall be required to commence work under this contract as follows, after receiving Notice to Proceed: (a) Commence work at Oregon Slough no earlier than 1 September 2022, (b) prosecute the work diligently, and (c) Complete all work ready for use prior to the FINAL CONSTRUCTION PHYSICAL COMPLETION DATE. FINAL CONSTRUCTION PHYSICAL COMPLETION DATE: 31 January 2023 The time stated for FINAL CONSTRUCTION PHYSICAL COMPLETION includes physical completion of all site work, site cleanup, and demobilization. CONTRACT END DATE: 1 May 2023 The time stated for CONTRACT END DATE includes submission and approval of all final remaining work documents. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

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Water / Sewer


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