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Published August 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and communication facility.

All Potential Bidders can obtain the bid documents from the owner. The project is to replace the existing communications equipment for Diversion Chamber-9 (DC-9) completely with new components and would consist of the installation of approximately (70) linear feet of conduit duct bank from DC-9 to a new precast concrete pull box. Two parallel conduits shall be installed in a poured concrete duct bank. The project also includes installation of a new utility pole, electrical service, phone service and interconnecting conduits/wires from the components mounted on the utility pole to the WVSA supplied communications panel. A conduit run from the panel to the pull box will also be installed. A portion of the work is in PennDOT right-of-way (SR2004). The project is located at the intersection of North River Street (SR2004) and West Chestnut Street, Wilkes Barre, PA. The project will include but not be limited to excavation, core drilling of the diversion chamber structure, underground conduit, duct bank, utility pole installation, electrical/phone service, misc. above ground conduit runs, pavement/sidewalk/curb/tree lawn restoration, traffic control, etc PennDOT H.O.P. Has been obtained by WVSA for this work. All labor, tools, equipment and materials for the project shall be provided by the contractor. This project is subject to the provisions of the Steel Products Procurement Act of March 3, 1978. Checks or money orders only NO CASH will be accepted. The contract documents are available electronically only after deposit has been received. Any questions contact Ralph Bush via email (ralph.bush@wvsa.net). Bids must be accompanied by bid security in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid, made payable to Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority. At the option of the Bidder, the Bid Bond may be a certified check, bank draft, U.S.Government Bond (at par value) or a Bid Bond on the form provided in the contract documents. Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids, and to waive any informalities, defects or irregularities, or any part or parts thereof. The successful contractor will have thirty (30) days to complete the entire project after receipt of the Notice to Proceed from WVSA. The Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability or familial status in employment or the provision of services




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Site Work

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July 14, 2022

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W Chestnut St & N River St, Wilkes Barre, PA

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Diversion Chamber-9 (DC-9) Communications Upgrades Project

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