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Published July 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Topeka, Kansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Topeka is requesting proposals from firms qualified to provide project planning, programming design, phasing, and traffic analysis, and to investigate various complete street options. The City of Topeka is requesting proposals from firms qualified to provide project planning, programming design, phasing, and traffic analysis, and to investigate various complete street options. This will include but not be limited to the conversion of one-way to two-way streets, and reducing the number of lanes to coincide with bike lanes that limit traffic volumes/speed to create a pedestrian friendly network. More specifically, the City of Topeka is seeking assistance with the development of a Conceptual Downtown Circulation Study (CDCS) that will serve as part of a larger Comprehensive Downtown Circulation Plan, combining concepts, engineering designs and construction specifications. The project area is bounded by Topeka Boulevard on the west, 12th Street and 13th Street on the south, Quincy Street to the east, and Crane Street to the north, with additional considerations along SW 4th Street and SW 5th Street This study represents one of two phases of a broader Downtown Circulation Study. This first phase of the study will provide the conceptual circulation aspect. It will include a traffic study, with concepts and designs on how to improve the area. The second phase of this Circulation Study, to be completed later, will be the construction/engineering/implementation portion of the study. Again, this current request for proposals is only for the conceptual design of the study with recommendations and illustrations. Due to the utilization of Consolidated Planning Grant CPG funds for phase one, the project had to be separated into two phases. CPG funds can only be utilized for traffic studies involving concepts and design, and not for engineering or construction implementation plans. Phase II, which will involve engineering, and construction specifications will be funded entirely by the City of Topeka. A recently developed 2045 Traffic demand model can be utilized to assist design and concept recommendations, by revealing the possible impact that future population and economic growth will have on the Downtown transportation system. These model results will help with setting mobility goals for downtown that may be different from those of the larger City and MPO area thus aiding in the development of a multimodal transportation schema to meet these mobility goals. The inter-relationship of future transportation projects and the current Downtown development, on overall accessibility for all residents and visitors will be analyzed for providing concept recommendations for future street designs. The City of Topeka and the MTPO encourage the use of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms in this project, and firms submitting proposals should indicate how they propose to incorporate this participation in the project. KDOT's DBE goal for this project is not less than eight (8) percent. Q And A Open7/6/2022 7:51:00 PM Q And A Close7/21/2022 3:30:00 AM The schedule shall reflect a draft plan ready for public review by December 12, 2022. A final plan acceptable for adoption by the MTPO Policy Body that addresses all tasks in the Scope of Work and required deliverables shall be completed no later than January 14, 2023 unless otherwise agreed upon in consultation with the MTPO staff. The Selection Committee and the City of Topeka reserve the right to reject any and all proposals. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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January 27, 2023


Multiple Locations, Topeka, KS

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