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Published July 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a military facility in Patuxent River, Maryland. Completed plans call for the construction of a military facility.

Location of the Work: Building 306, NAS Patuxent River, Maryland Description of the Work: Design and construct new fully usable hangar door bottom track systems and apron sections for H306 sliding hangar doors. Project work shall include coordination of all existing utilities, as well as, soil compaction, concrete placement, steel rail placement, and hangar bay protection. Project shall also remediate Lead paint, repair spalling concrete, and paint hangar door soffits. Hangar 306 was constructed in 1943 and is comprised of twin half-barrel bays buttressed by concrete framed structures at the center and each end that also serve as administration spaces. Each high-bay barrel vault has two hangar doors, one on each end of the vault. Each hangar door comprises five structural steel framed panels that include a row of vision glass window frames approximately 5 feet above the ground level. Galvanized steel strands were built into the ground floor slab to act as tension ties at the main arch beams. Great care must be taken to not disturb these tension tie cables. The project includes a Base Bid: CLIN 0001: Price for the entire work for H306 Repair Hangar Door Tracks and Soffits for the SE and NE Doors in accordance with the drawings and specifications, but excluding work described in Contract Line Item (CLIN)0002.; CLIN 0002: Price for the entire work for H306 Repair Hangar Door Tracks and Soffits for the SW and NW Doors, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, but excluding work described in CLIN 000l. THIS IS A DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT. PLEASE REFER TO PART 6 - ATTACHMENTS OF THE RFP FOR CONCEPT DRAWINGS. Estimated Budget Amount or Price Range: between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. Time for Completion: Government desires completion of construction within 730 calendar days of award. Liquidated Damages: $519.00 for each calendar day of delay. Wage Determination: Department of Labor (DoL) General Decision Number DBA WD #MD2022008 Modification #4 dated 07/01/2022 applies to this work. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The project includes a Base Bid: CLIN 0001: Price for the entire work for H306 Repair Hangar Door Tracks and Soffits for the SE and NE Doors in accordance with the drawings and specifications, but excluding work described in Contract Line Item (CLIN)0002.; CLIN 0002: Price for the entire work for H306 Repair Hangar Door Tracks and Soffits for the SW and NW Doors, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, but excluding work described in CLIN 000l.




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July 27, 2022

September 26, 2022


Building 306, Patuxent River, MD

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