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Published July 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in New Roads, Louisiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Pointe Coupee Parish Government is soliciting detailed collection services pricing proposals and quotes from interested waste haulers and trash collection companies ("Contractor") to complete a Parish-wide, residential curbside bulk waste and white goods collection service for all residential households within the boundaries of the Parish of Pointe Coupee, excluding the City of New Roads. Contract Period The contract will also contain a bilateral option to renew for up to 3 additional years, also subject to annual appropriation. Contractor will provide once or twice monthly collection of residential white goods from roadside throughout the Parish, excluding the City of New Roads. (Examples: washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, ovens, hot water heaters and other small appliances.) Contractor will provide once or twice monthly collection of residential bulky waste from residences throughout the Parish, excluding the City of New Roads. Contractor will be responsible for all disposal costs of both white goods and bulky waste. Bulky Waste collection will be limited to 4' W X 8' L X 4' H per residential address per collection week Contractor will collect bulky waste in two separate zones of the Parish; an eastern and western zone as described in Appendix A. Parish is open to changing zones if contractor can show just reasoning or improved efficiency. Contractor will furnish its own vehicles, equipment, fuel, maintenance, and insurances as specified by Parish regarding types and extent of coverage. Proof of no less than $1 million general liability insurance Proof of workers compensation insurance as required by law No person employed or engaged by Contractor shall be considered an employee or agent of the Parish. Basis for Award This contract will be awarded based on the determination of best value. The factors considered shall include price, experience, collection plan and equipment. Contractor will propose two different options for collection of bulky waste and white goods. Option 1: Collections of bulky waste and white goods once per month throughout the Parish Option 2: Collection of bulky waste and white goods twice per month throughout the Parish. Price should be a flat annual fee, payable in monthly payments billable following the month of collection. It is estimated that there are currently 7741 households that would be subject to collection. Contractor may include, as an element of the proposal, a method for escalation or increases, but such is not required and will be considered in the evaluation. The Pointe Coupee Parish Government reserves the right to consider and/or reject any and all proposals. Written Contract After any award, the contractor and the Parish must agree to the specific terms of a written contract consistent with the terms provided for herein. If the parties fail to reach agreement within thirty (30) days the Parish reserves the right to select another proposal. Limitation of Liability Contractor agrees to hold Parish free and harmless and to indemnify Parish from any and all losses, claims, suits, or demands arising or resulting from Contractor's operations as herein authorized, including but not limited to any damages to property. For the purposes of this Request for Proposals the following definitions shall apply: "White Goods" includes: Residential washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, ovens, air conditioners, water heaters and other similar appliances. "Bulky Waste" includes: residential brush, tree trimmings and other vegetative debris that is consistent with normal residential yard maintenance if the debris is generated on the property containing a single or multi- family dwelling, as well as furniture, mattresses, any other household furniture.


Residential Subdivision

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, New Roads, LA

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