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Published August 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Windham, Connecticut. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Willimantic Switchboard is a 911 Public Safety Answering Point located adjacent to the Emergency Operation Center within the Public Safety complex in Willimantic, CT, serving the Willimantic Fire & Police Department, three Windham Volunteer Fire Departments (VFD), Franklin VFD and Windham Community Memorial Hospital medics. This project will make much needed upgrades to its infrastructure and technology in order to more effectively serve its communities. The Town of Windham, on behalf of WFSCA, is soliciting proposals for qualified Owner's Project Managers ("OPM's") for the purpose of comprehensive owner's project management services for the Willimantic Switchboard Upgrade construction project. The Town of Windham (Town) invites you to submit a proposal based on the requirements of the enclosed RFP. The RFP and any addenda can be found on the State of CT Dept. of Administrative Services website. The information contained herein outlines the intent and scope of the project; the guidelines governing the submission and evaluation of all proposals; and IRS Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification must be completed and submitted with your proposal. We ask that your proposal conform to our format request as closely as possible. The Town may accept proposals that take exception to any requirement in the RFP. Any exception or alternative must be clearly delineated in a separate attachment to the proposal submitted. The RFP and the proposal submitted by successful Owner's Project Manager ("OPM") will be made part of the resultant contract between the Town and the successful OPM. Town Hall hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Friday. One Original (clearly identified as such) plus a thumb drive with a read only digital 'PDF' copy of the proposal shall be submitted. The Package submitted containing proposals shall be sealed, bearing on the outside the firm's name and address and plainly marked " RFP - owner's project management services for willimantic switchboard center upgrades" The Town of Windham looks forward to receiving your response. The Willimantic Switchboard is a 911 Public Safety Answering Point located adjacent to the Emergency Operation Center within the Public Safety complex in Willimantic, CT, serving the Willimantic Fire & Police Department, three Windham Volunteer Fire Departments (VFD), Franklin VFD and Windham Community Memorial Hospital medics. This project will make much needed upgrades to its infrastructure and technology in order to more effectively serve its communities. Funding for this project, in the amount of $2,970,522, was awarded to the Town of Windham (Town) via the Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection (DESPP) - Municipal Grant Program. The Willimantic Switchboard Fire Chief's Association, Inc. (WSFCA) Board of Directors and the Town will be identified herein as the 'Town' or 'Owner' and will serve as primary contacts and project oversight. The Town of Windham, on behalf of WFSCA, is soliciting proposals for qualified Owner's Project Managers ("OPM's") for the purpose of comprehensive owner's project management services for the Willimantic Switchboard Upgrade construction project. One original (clearly identified as such) plus a read only digital 'PDF' copy on a thumb drive shall be submitted to the attention of the Town Engineer. Package containing proposals must be sealed, bearing on the outside the OPM's name and address and plainly marked Questions about this Request For Proposal and submission requirements must be submitted to and or received by email, to the Town Engineer engineer@windhamCT.com. Written clarifications or interpretations, as well as any changes or amendments to this RFP, will be issued by Addenda not later than 4 PM on August 25, 2022. Only information issued by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other clarifications or interpretations will be without legal effect. Addenda will be posted on the State DAS website. Respondents are required to limit their contact with WSFCA or the Town regarding this RFP to the persons named herein. The Town may accept proposals which take exception to any requirements in this RFP, or which offer any alternative to a requirement herein. Any exception or alternative must be clearly delineated and cannot materially affect the substance of this RFP. The services to be provided shall include, but are not limited to, advising the WSFCA and Town , serving as a single point of contact between contractors and designers, monitoring the project schedule and budget, monitor and audit MBE compliance, auditing quality assurance/quality control procedures, assisting in evaluating payment requests, providing monthly reporting, and facilitating issue resolution. The owner's project manager will be expected to continue to provide all owner' representative services throughout the project including turnover, closeout, and commissioning. The OPM will have authority to act on behalf of the Town only to the extent provided in contractual agreements to which the Town is a party. The OPM shall confer with WSFCA, Police, Fire, and the Town Engineer at intervals and on occasions appropriate to the various stages of construction. The OPM shall provide the following services for the project described in the RFP. 6.1 Be the owner's representative facilitator for the Switchboard upgrade project. 6.2 Provide consultation services and advice by working closely with the project Architect, Construction Manager, Town staff, relevant offices and officials, and the community at large on every aspect of the project. 6.3 Monitor, verify and audit EEO/MBE utilization on the project and report the status to the Owner on a regular basis. 6.4 Attend project meetings, reporting to Owner, cash flow requirement preparation and budget tracking development. 6.5 The OPM shall observe the progress and quality of the work as the Owner deems necessary at various stages of construction to determine, in general, that it is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. Notify the Owner, if in the Representative's opinion, work does not conform to the contract documents or requires special inspection ortesting. 6.6 The OPM will be expected to attend weekly project progress meetings or on an as needed basis depending on when construction commences. 6.7 The OPM shall consult with the Architect in its review of shop drawings, product data samples and finishes. Notify the Owner if any portions of the work requiring shop drawings, product data or samples is commenced before such submittals have been approved. 6.8 The OPM shall observe the CM-R's as built drawings at intervals appropriate to the state of construction and notify the Owner of any apparent failure by the CM-R to maintain upto-date records.




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August 18, 2023


To Be Determined, Windham, CT

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