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Published September 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, outdoor lighting and new construction of a mixed-use development in Winchester, Virginia. Completed plans call for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The City of Winchester ("City") is submitting this Invitation to Bid ("ITB") to establish a contract with qualified Contractors furnishing all labor, equipment, transportation and materials necessary for the following project: Douglass Park Improvements Offerors should also register on the Portal to receive automated notifications for upcoming solicitations. Bidders should carefully examine the specifications and fully inform themselves as to all conditions and matters, which would in any way, affect the equipment/materials/service or cost thereof. Should a bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the specifications or ITB. Only questions answered on the Portal, located in the Q&A tab, will be binding; oral and other interpretations or classifications will be without legal effect. Bids are to be submitted online via the Portal only. Bids submitted in any other format, including but not limited to, hard copy (mailed or hand delivered), facsimile, or by email will not be accepted, nor considered for award. Bids will be received only from Contractors who are registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The City of Winchester reserves the right to reject any proposal for failure to comply with all requirements of this notice or any of the Contract Documents; however, it may waive any minor defects or informalities at its discretion. The City further reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to award a contract that in its judgment is in the best interest of the City.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

New Construction, Outdoor Lighting, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

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