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Published October 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Wilmington, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) is seeking an engineering firm experienced in wastewater hydraulic modeling to build and calibrate a model under wet weather conditions using Innovyze software - InfoWorks ICM. The calibration of the wet weather model will require flow and rainfall monitoring. A minimum of 25 flow monitors and 6 rainfall gauges will be utilized across the wastewater service area for a period of 3 to 6 months or until significant rainfall events have been captured. Furthermore, existing pump station flow meters, pump runtime, on/off pump data loggers and wastewater treatment plant flows will be used in calibration. Additionally, the existing dry weather wastewater model must be updated to reflect current operational conditions. This may include but is not limited to, updating to current customer usage data, updating the model network to include new infrastructure since the last model calibration and adjusting pump station hydraulics to match current operating conditions. Further considerations may include the use of allocated near-term future flows from our capacity tracking information, projected long-term future flows from wastewater master plans and future sewer infrastructure, particularly pump stations and force mains, that are either in construction or far enough into design that adequate data is available to incorporate it into the model. CFPUA will address questions regarding the RFQ until 2:00 PM on September 6, 2022. Questions submitted after this time will not addressed. Questions concerning this advertisement should be directed to Julia Faircloth, Procurement Manager, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, at bids@cfpua.org. SOQ's shall be limited to twenty-five (25)-pages or less, excluding cover page, tabs, resumes and appendices. Firms shall submit their statement of qualifications for consideration in .pdf format to bids@cfpua.org. Maximum file size for .pdf submission is 25MB. A reply will be sent to the email address submitting the statement of qualifications to confirm receipt. It is the submitting firms' responsibility to confirm that CFPUA has received statement of qualifications via email. If email reply is not received from bids@cfpua.org, please call 910-332-6472 or 910-332-6589 before deadline for submission. Submitted information shall comply with N.C.G.S. 143-64.31 through 64.34 (aka Mini Brooks Act). All SOQ's will be evaluated by a CFPUA selection team. Firms submitting Qualifications to perform wastewater hydraulic model consulting will be evaluated based upon the firm's experience, proposed personnel experience, personnel knowledge, and familiarity with projects in the typical scope of work. This scope is defined in the General section of this Request for Qualifications. The project will be developed as a series of technical memorandums which will be assembled as a final document including results from flow monitoring, dry weather, and wet weather modeling. All Electronic modeling files and results will be transferred to CFPUA as part of the final submittal. Periodic remote presentations will be held by consultants with CFPUA staff and stakeholders. The technical memorandum schedule below may be altered after negotiation with the selected firm. The Final completion date of the Assembled Report and Electronic Submittals is fixed. The CFPUA reserves the right to reject any and all submissions. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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To Be Determined, Wilmington, NC

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