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Published August 30, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Ports of Indiana (POI) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP), Public Notice- JF-2022-C1, for crane rail demolition/removal and laydown yard construction project, Ports of Indiana, Jeffersonville located in Clark County, Indiana The Project includes demolition, removal and salvaging of crane rail steel and other materials. Project also includes import, placement and grading of borrow and aggregate materials in order to construct a laydown yard; all in accordance with Ports of Indiana and State of Indiana requirements at the Ports of Indiana-Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana. The Anticipated Date of Commencement is October 1, 2022 The Contract Time is anticipated to be 120 days All contractors and subcontractors of any tier, prior to performing work on the Project, must be prequalified as provided herein and in accordance with Indiana law. For purposes of this RFP and Project, this means that the successful proposer and subcontractors are required to be prequalified by the Anticipated Date of Commencement. If the successful proposer fails to provide documentation that it is prequalified as required herein, POI may reject its proposal, award to the next lowest and best bidder, and enforce all rights against the successful bidder and, if applicable, its bid bond. Should any questions arise as to the interpretation of any part of the plans, specifications, or other proposal documents, the proposer shall submit a written request by e-mail to the person identified in the Notice to Proposers or Instructions to Proposers as the person to whom such questions should be sent, requesting an interpretation at least 48 hours prior to the proposal submission deadline. Only interpretations made by written addendum shall have any force or effect. POI will not address any request received after forty-eight (48) hours prior to the deadline for submissions of proposals. Contractor shall furnish and pay for an approved one hundred percent (100%) combination performance and payment bond covering the faithful performance of the Agreement and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder and to remain in effect for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the work. Surety companies furnishing these Bonds must be listed in the U.S. Department of Treasury, Circular 570, the latest revision at the time of Date of Commencement, whose underwriting limitation is at least three (3) times the total Contract Sum, excluding any surety companies de-listed subsequent to the latest publication date of Circular 570. Bonds shall be in a form proscribed by Owner. Contractor shall require the Attorney-in-Fact that executes the required Bonds on behalf of the surety to affix to the Bonds a certified and current copy of the Power of Attorney. The penal sum or other limiting amount stated on the face of any bond issued and delivered to Owner pursuant to the Contract Documents shall be deemed, automatically and without notice, adjusted by the aggregate sum of any Change Orders signed by Owner and Contractor, notwithstanding any contrary provision set forth in any such bond as executed. Proposers are encouraged to seek at least 10% MBE/WBE participation and must make a good faith effort to comply with such goal. Proposers shall submit certifications and other documentation regarding this goal as provided elsewhere in the Proposal Document




Public - State/Provincial

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August 24, 2022

October 1, 2022


Multiple Locations, Jeffersonville, IN

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