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Published June 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Moon Twp, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Contract Award Date: Jun 12, 2023 Contract Award Number: W911WN23C8007 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: LALXFNYKLXL7 Contractor Awarded Name: MARION HILL ASSOCIATES, INC. Contractor Awarded Address: New Brighton, PA 15066 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $2,088,301.31 Lower Pool Workboat Mooring Area, Dashields Locks and Dam, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District, has a project that involves construction of an anchored sheet pile wall along the Ohio River to create a workboat mooring area at Dashields Locks and Dam, Allegheny County, PA. The work is to be performed from the landward side of the existing lower guide wall which is accessed from an existing parking lot adjoining to Dashields Lock Road. The base contract generally includes construction of an anchored sheet pile wall approximately 80 feet long, located between the Dashields Locks and Dam lower guide wall and the existing parking area, followed by limited underwater excavation to create draft and a footprint for safe mooring of the facility's workboat. Mooring and access appurtenances including an access ladder and a variable height mooring system with integrated fender system shall also be installed at the rear face of the lower guide wall as part of this contract. The major features of the requirements are identified below: The contract specifically includes: a. Erosion and sediment controls consistent with the magnitude and scope of projects involving work on a waterway. b. Removal and salvage, including stockpiling and replacement, of existing riprap slope protection along the riverbank. c. Sheet pile driving parallel to an existing lock wall with active river navigation. d. Installation of post-tensioned multi-strand tie-back anchors. o Drilling and casing inclined boreholes through soil and bedrock. o Watertightness testing and grouting. o Connection of anchor to sheet pile wall structure. o Anchor post-tensioning including proof and performance testing. e. Underwater excavation and disposal of excavated materials. f. General earthwork including excavation and slope grading. g. Limited mechanical demolition of concrete rubble and large diameter rock to facilitate construction. h. Design and installation of a variable height, slide based mooring system to be installed at the rear face of the existing concrete lower guide wall. i. Removal, replacement, modification, and new construction of security fencing on various mounting surfaces. j. Removal and replacement of guiderail. Excavated soils must be disposed of at a commercially permitted facility licensed to accept the material. Concrete rubble and other construction waste material must also be disposed of at a commercially permitted facility licensed to accept the waste or recycled if applicable. The work shall be completed within 365 calendar days after written Notice to Proceed. Per FAR 36.204(f) the magnitude of construction is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. This acquisition will be procured as a 100% Small Business Set-Aside. The resulting award will be for one (1) Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP) Contract. All responsible Bidders are encouraged to participate. The Invitation for Bid (IFB) will be issued on or about 12 April 2023, online through Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) which posts the opportunity to SAM.gov; therefore, requests for hardcopies of the solicitation will not be honored. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) for this procurement is 237990 - "Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction" and the small business size standard is $45.0 Million. In order to submit a Bid on this project, your company must- 1) Be registered in System for Award Management (SAM) and maintain an active registration status. 2) Be registered in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) for the Solicitation Module with the PROPOSAL MANAGER role. System for Award Management (SAM) Registration Registering in SAM.gov includes both entity validation and entity registration. To register in SAM: a. Navigate to SAM.gov b. Select Sign-In (top right) c. Select Create an Account then Follow the Instructions. d. After Account is Set-up, Select Sign In. e. Under the Entity Management widget, Select "Get Started" button. f. Select Register Entity. As part of entity registration, a Unique Entity ID will be assigned. For Additional Information on SAM To Register Your Entity (company), please visit https:/www.fsd.gov/gsafsd_sp id=gsa_index . Here you will find the following, Get Started with Your Registration Check Registration Status - ACTIVE, INACTIVE, PENDING Update Your Registration Become an Entity Administrator Validate Your Entity *Access User Guides *By selecting this option, you can obtain a Quick Start Guide for Contract Registrations. Also, here you will find in addition to the User Guides - FAQs, Videos, and Definitions. PLEASE NOTE It is mandatory that all companies be registered in SAM in order to receive federal contracts. There is no charge to register or maintain your company (entity) registration. Login.gov manages usernames and passwords for SAM.gov. *Important* Registration Information Registration can take at least ten (10) business days to be active in SAM.gov. Registration must be in active status upon offer submission and remain active during award period. Registration must be renewed every 365 days to remain active. The Federal Service Desk (FSD) for SAM questions, may be contacted. Phone Number: 866-606-8220 Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Solicitation Module Registration To register for PIEE follow the below instructions. Register in PIEE: a. Navigate to https://piee.eb.mil/ b. Select Register [top right] c. Select Vendor d. Create a User ID and Password and follow the prompts [next] e. Create Security Questions [next] f. Complete your User Profile Information [next] g. Complete your Supervisor or Approving Official Information [next] h. Complete Roles i. Step 1. Select SOL-Solicitation ii. Step 2. Select Proposal Manager iii. Step 3. Click Add Roles iv. Step 4. Fill in your Location Code (CAGE Code) [next] i. Provide a justification for your registration [next] j. Follow the remaining prompts to submit your registration The Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) help desk may be reached by calling telephone number 866-618-5988 for assistance. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


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December 22, 2022

June 12, 2023


100 Dashields Lock Rd, Moon Twp, PA

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Lower Pool Workboat Mooring Area, Dashields Locks and Dam

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