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Published August 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Federal Way, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City has a need for architectural, engineering, and related professional services including feasibility analysis and engineering evaluation for the proposed S 320th St at 21st Ave S Grade Separation Feasibility Study. The S 320th St at 21st Ave S Grade Separation Feasibility Study will evaluate lowering S 320th St between Pete Von Reichbauer (PVR) Way S and 23rd Ave S to construct a grade separated north-south pedestrian connection at 21st Ave S. The feasibility study will evaluate such items as: the impacts to & mitigation requirements for the surrounding transportation network; the extent of private and public utility relocations; right-of-way acquisition and private property impacts; stormwater management considerations; geometric considerations; ADA considerations; schedule & sequencing of work; constructability; overall estimated project cost; and other related topics. The City has an existing contract with DKS & Associates (DKS) that recently completed a traffic analysis of the downtown area in conjunction with other planning projects. The City will supplement this current contract to provide all necessary supporting traffic analysis for this feasibility study. The firm selected in response to this SOQ shall coordinate with DKS and include this information in the preparation of the feasibility study reports. Qualifications: Factor/Weight Given 1. Responsiveness of the SOQ to the purpose and scope of services outlined in Section VI of this Request. - 30% 2. Ability and history of successfully completing contracts of this type, meeting project deadlines, experience in similar work. - 25% 3. Experience of specific individuals assigned to project - 25% 4. References, key personnel - 20% Total Criteria Weight - 100% Each SOQ will be independently evaluated on factors one (1) through four (4) by a committee comprised of City staff. The top ranking consultants will be invited to interview with the evaluation committee. All SOQs must include the following information: 1. Cover letter clearly indicating what services your firm can provide. 2. Qualification of proposed manager. 3. The names of individuals who will be working on the project and their areas of responsibility. 4. Specific experience of individuals relative to the proposed project. 5. A proposed outline of tasks, products and project schedule. 6. References. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 15, 2023


21st Ave S & S 320th St, Federal Way, WA

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