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Published October 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Jackman, Maine. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Somerset County is requesting proposals for turn-key installation of a generator set to provide backup powerfor a public safety building located at Somerset County Outpost, 4 Heald Stream Road in Jackman, Maine. Contractor shall be responsible for design, procurement, surveying, planning, scheduling, estimating, expediting, inspection, quality assurance, quality control, management, administration, supervision, labor, construction, calibration, pressure testing, checking, flushing, pre-commissioning, start-up, and training services, as required for successful project execution and completion. Scope of Work to be performed at 4 Heald Stream Road in Jackman, Maine 1. Install a new standby generator system, 10 kW or similar, at the building site at 4 Heald Stream Road in Jackman to automatically provide backup power in the event ofan interruption in the utility power supply. 2. Pouring of a new concrete pad (or prefabricated pad) to house the generator. Excavated dirt and gravel shall be removed from site. Gravel and grass areas will be restored to present conditions once work is completed. 3. Engineering and design of the standby generator system, including sizing and specifications ofgenerator and associated components. 4. Procurement of all equipment and materials 5. Startup ofgenerator - switching from utility powerto generator power shall be completely automatic, with no manual operations required. 6. Generator shall be capable of running without refueling for a minimum of4 days under normal operating conditions. 7. Automatic text notification to staff regarding system failure starts and stops. 8. The fuel source for the new generator shall be propane. 9. Contractor shall be responsible for safety precautions, permits, notifications and designing of all required grounding. 10. Contractor shall update existing schematics to include new, additional controls ifapplicable. 11. Pre-commissioning, commissioning, and performance testing. 12. Warranty the complete installation for a period of 24 months following successful commissioning and acceptance by the County. 13. Installer to provide a maintenance contract that will allow for emergency service response within 30 minutes of failure if needed. Insurance: The contractor awarded the project agrees to maintain, throughout the term of the project, a minimum of $1,000,000 for liability coverage and sufficient coverage for automobile insurance until the work is completed and accepted by the County Commissioners. This shall include coverage for personal injury, death and property damages resulting from your acts or omissions in the performance of this contract. You further agree to furnish the County Commissioners with a certificate of insurance within ten (10) working days after receipt of notice of acceptance. The contractor agrees to name Somerset County as an additional insured on all applicable insurance policies. Bonding: Pursuant to MRSA Title 14 871 (3), if the contracted amount is over $100,000, the contractor is required to furnish a progressive payment and performance bond satisfactory to Somerset county in the sum of 100% of the contract price. The County Commissioner are authorized to set reasonable standards to insure the best interest of Somerset County. Somerset County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any and all bid proposals deemed to be in the best interests ofSomerset County.




Public - County


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