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Published November 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Mount Vernon, Indiana. Working plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

** As of November 4, 2022, project has not been awarded yet. ** The City of Mt. Vernon Water Works is seeking bids for work on the Keck Water Tower located at 1900 West 4th St. Mt. Vernon Indiana 47620. Bidder to provide all labor, material, equipment, and insurance necessary to complete the following on one (1) 100,000-gallon elevated storage tank (120'6" HWL x 94'6" LWL) Item 1: Grout around the base of the tank foundation connections. Seal foundations with a sealant. Item 2: Clean the area around the anchor bolts, tighten the anchor nuts to specifications, then tack weld on the circumference of the nut-to-base plate connections and bolt to nut connections. Item 3: Install a frost proof drain valve near the base of the riser pipe, complete with a locking device. Item 4: Replace 20" manway with a 24" manway. Item 5: Install Davit arm on riser manway Item 6: Install a flapper valve and new screen on the overflow pipe elbow. Item 7: Install a cable type ladder safety device on the exterior tower access ladder. install a lockable ladder guard on exterior tower access ladder. Post Fall Protection Required sign at base of exterior tower access ladder. Item 8: Remove the coax from the exterior access ladder and secure it to the tank with standoff s. Item 9 Install a swing gate at the junction of the tower access and structural girder. Item 10: Drill additional weep holes in balcony floor. Item 11: Install two (2) 30" shell manways 180 apart. Item 12: Install davit slides on both shell manways (x2) Item 13: Post Confined Space Entry signs on primary and secondary roof hatches. (2) Item 14: Install compliant interior bowl access ladders complete with standoff s every 10" on center at the suggested primary and secondary shell manways. Install cable type ladder safety devices on primary and secondary bowl access ladder. Item 15: Install a fl oat type liquid level indicator (E & F type) Item 16: Replace the cable type ladder safety device on the shell-to-knuckle roof access ladder. Item 17: Install a compliant 42" high handrail system around the circumference of the tank roof, complete with intermediate rail, toe board and a swing gate at the junction of the shell-to-knuckle roof access ladder and tank roof. Item 18: Install a 30" secondary roof hatch 180 from primary hatch. Item 19: Install a compliant interior access ladder complete with standoff s every 10" on center at the secondary roof hatch. Item 20: Pressure wash the tank exterior with biodegradable detergent injection (minimum 3,500 psi at 3.0 gpm) then remove all loose rust and scale with wire brushes and hand scrapers in accordance with SSPC#2 (hand tool cleaning), spot prime and apply one (1) finish coat of acrylic paint. Replace the existing logo on the side of the bowl. Item 21: Install a passive cathodic protection system. Item 22: Install a compliant safety grill over the riser pipe opening. Item 23: Install a cable type ladder safety system on interior riser access ladder. Item 24: sandblast all rusted and abraded interior areas to SSPC-SP10 (Near white) and brush blast all remaining interior areas to SSPC-SP7; then apply one (1) coat of epoxy primer to all areas sandblasted to #10, stripe coat all weld seams, and apply an epoxy liner to the entire tank, to achieve 8 to 10 mils of total dry fi lm thickness. Total mil thickness will include a combination of the existing and new coating. All welders must be certified in accordance with ASME section IX code. Tank will be drained by owner. Debris generated from repairs and/or painting will be placed in containers provided by the owner and to be disposed of by the owner. The City of Mt. Vernon has the right to reject any and all bids

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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November 2, 2022

May 4, 2023


1900 W 4th St, Mount Vernon, IN

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