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Published October 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Bedford, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Contract Documents must be obtained ONLY from Meridian Land Services, Inc., 31 Old Nashua Road, Suite 2, Amherst, NH 03031 The Scope of Work includes: 1) Demolition of the existing paved swale 2) Site preparation 3) Aquisition of items that will be installed on-site. 4) Installation of site features (excluding any electrical work and the basketball court itself) Mobilization for work may commence AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and all work including punch list items will be completed on or before June 1, 2023. Proposal period inquiries regarding the Work required by the Project Documents shall be directed, via email, to: TRYandow@MeridianLandServices.com No oral questions will be accepted, nor will any oral interpretations be given. The Owner reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to amend the Contract Documents prior to the date set for the opening of the proposals. All such revisions will be made by the Owner, through the Engineer, in the form of Addenda to the Contract. Proposals shall be submitted on the Proposal Forms contained in the Contract Documents. The completed Proposal Forms shall be submitted along with all supplemental documentation required in the Contract Documents. Failure to submit a Proposal on the Proposal forms contained in the Contract Documents will result in automatic disqualification of the Proposal. Proposals shall be based on the Contract Documents and Plans prepared by Meridian Land Services, Inc. The prices contained in the Proposal shall contain the cost of all and any taxes. Actual award of the Contract is contingent upon execution of formal documents satisfactory to both parties. The right is reserved, in the interest of the owner at its sole option may require, to accept or reject any or all proposals or portion thereof. The successful Proposer is expected to enter into a contract in the form required by the Documents. Payment Bond and Performance Bond, each in the amount of not less than One Hundred (100%) percent of the Contract Award Amount and Insurance Certificates, will be required at the time of Contract Signing. Surety must be approved by the Owner. Bid bonds are not required for this project. You are requested to sign this letter in the space provided below and return to us as acknowledgement of receipt of this Proposal request and the enclosures therein, and as confirmation of your intention to submit a Proposal by the enclosed date. Should you not wish to submit a Proposal, you are requested to return all of the proposal request information to Meridian Land Services, Inc.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work




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