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Published October 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Newport News, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority (NNRHA) and its affiliates are seeking Statements of Qualifications and Letters of Interest from Virginia licensed Class A general contractors for the renovation of the Orcutt Townhomes located at Orcutt Avenue and 33rd, 34th and 35th Streets in Newport News, Va. NNRHA is the developer and sponsor of this undertaking. The anticipated scope of work for the property which was constructed in 2005 includes the renovation of 20 duplex townhomes (total 40 units), site work and miscellaneous improvements. These units are all three (3) bedrooms including six (6) handicapped units. The scope of work for Orcutt Village Townhomes I (Orcutt I) includes a complete renovation of all existing duplex townhouse units in their existing configurations. There are 34 three-bedroom townhouses and 6 three-bedroom accessible townhouses for a total of 40 units. All scope items (where applicable) will be applied to each townhouse, therefore this narrative is the most efficient way to communicate the overall scope of work for the project. Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority (NNRHA) and its affiliates are seeking Statements of Qualifications and Letters of Interest from Virginia licensed Class A general contractors for the renovation of the Orcutt Townhomes located at Orcutt Avenue and 33rd, 34th and 35th Streets in Newport News, Va. Interested contractors are invited to submit Letters of Interest and Statements of Qualifications in accordance with this solicitation that is available on the NNRHA website. Plans and specifications for the renovation of the property are being prepared by Matthew G. Burton Architect LLC. As a tentative guide for the work to be undertaken, refer to the attached outline specifications, unit breakdown and preliminary plans. Final plans and specifications and related bid package will be disseminated in the 4th quarter of 2022 to selected contractors pre-qualified as a result of this Request for Qualifications. Orcutt Townhomes is owned by Orcutt Townhomes 1 L.P. and managed by NNRHA as public housing. This property will be converted to the Section 8 Program in the first quarter of 2023 at which time Orcutt TH 40LLC will become the owner and enter into an AIA construction contract for the renovations to be undertaken on the property. This project is being undertaken in conjunction with NNRHA's participation in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program and made possible by the equity from the sale and receipt of Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) from Virginia Housing (VH), HUD Capital Funds, Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) financing, NNRHA resources, bank construction financing and permanent financing from Virginia Housing. Utilization of these resources require that, among others, the contractor adhere to rigid and numerous inspections, pay Davis Bacon wage rates, adhere to Section 3, which is a provision of the HUD Act of 1968 as amended, meet VH and RAD expenditure benchmarks, VHDA minimum design and construction requirements, provide Bid, Performance and Payment Bonds, post a renovation latent defect letter of credit, and provide a post construction cost certification. The contractor must be familiar with Virginia Housing construction and inspection requirements related to low income housing tax credits and attend various construction conferences. Responses to this solicitation must be succinct and include descriptions/color pictures of not more than three (3) multifamily renovations projects, totaling 50 units each, undertaken within the last five (5) years. As demonstrated in the response to the RFQ (1) continued successful experience in multifamily renovation projects, (2) multifamily construction involving affordable housing funded with HUD/FHA, LHA and VHDA involvement utilizing low income housing tax credits or other public programs, and (3) renovation projects involving phased renovation and resident relocation, are particularly important. Testimonials or letters of commendation for projects completed can be submitted as evidence of projects successfully completed.




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Multiple Locations, Newport News, VA

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