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Published October 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Bay City, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Purpose This Request for Proposals provides the prospective professional service contractor (Professional) with information to enable preparation of a professional services proposal for Bay City State Park, Campground and Day Use Improvements, Bay City, Michigan. The service to be completed should encompass as a minimum the following phase(s) from the Department of Technology, Management and Budget's (DTMB's) Sample Standard. Contract for Professional Services: Phase- 300 Schematic Design 500 Final Design The minimum professional qualifications to complete the scope of work for this project are demonstrated experience in the successful planning and execution of similar projects in full accordance with all applicable Local, State, and Federal regulations. I-2 Project/Program Statement. See attached project/program statement for more detailed information. The Professional, by submitting a Technical (Part I) and Cost (Part II) Proposal to DTMB for evaluation, states that they can and will provide a complete design based on the approved project/program statement. No increase in compensation to the Professional will be allowed unless there is a material change made to the scope of work of the project/program statement and the change to the project/program statement is approved in writing by State Facilities Administration (SFA), Design and Construction Division (DCD). Contract Award The professionals will be evaluated based on their Technical Proposal - Part I, and Cost Proposal - Part II. Proposals will be evaluated by an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee based on the Technical Portion - Part I eighty percent (80%) and the Cost Proposal - Part II twenty percent (20%). DTMB will offer a contract to the professional firm that has been recommended by the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee after their evaluation of the combined Part I - Technical and Part II - Cost Proposals. Recommendation is expected within thirty (30) days following the due date of the proposal. The list of sample contracts can be viewed at our website. Rejection of Proposals The state reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, received because of this Request for Proposals. I-6 Incurring Costs The state is not liable for any cost incurred by the Professional prior to acceptance of a proposal and the award and execution of a contract and issuance of the state's contract order. COVID 19 Precautions: 1. Depending on the project location, individuals may be required to wear masks to attend any meetings and for a firm to be eligible to submit proposals / quotations / bids. Bring and be prepared to wear a mask if required upon arrival. Requirements may change at any time and any updated guidance must be followed. I-8 Responsibilities of Professional The Professional will be required to assume responsibility for all professional services offered in their proposal whether or not they possess them within their organization. Further, the state will consider the Professional to be the sole point of contact regarding contractual matters, including payment of all charges resulting from the contract. The prime professional shall possess a license to practice in the State of Michigan pursuant to the Occupational Code (PA 299 of 1980). I-9 Proposals The professional must submit a complete, straightforward response to this Request for Proposal. The proposal should describe the professional's ability to meet the requirements of the Request for Proposal. The proposal must be submitted electronically through the State of Michigan Procurement System (SIGMA VSS). No other distribution of proposals will be made by the Professional. To be considered responsible and responsive, proposals must be uploaded to SIGMA VSS on or before 2:00 p.m., Eastern time (ET), on Thursday, October 6, 2022. Proposal must be signed by an official authorized to bind the professional firm to its provisions. NO FACSIMILES OR EMAILS OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL WILL BE ACCEPTED. The proposal and attachments must be fully uploaded and submitted prior to the proposal deadline. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit a proposal, as the SIGMA VSS system will not allow a proposal to be submitted after the proposal deadline identified in the solicitation, even if a portion of the proposal has been uploaded. SIGMA has a maximum size limit on file uploads. When uploading, your attachment(s) each attachment must be 6mb or less. Also, when entering proposal amount, please enter the total cost amount as the bid amount. Bidder's failure to submit a proposal as required may result in being deemed nonresponsive. Questions on vendor registration, proposal submissions, or navigation in the SIGMA VSS system can be answered by contacting the SIGMA Help Desk either by telephone at 517.284.0540 or toll free at 888.734.9749 or by email at sigma-procurementhelpdesk@michigan.gov.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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October 6, 2022

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3582 State Park Dr, Bay City, MI

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