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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bellingham, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Port of Bellingham (Port) is soliciting responses from qualified professional firms interested in providing qualified, Whatcom County approved, Wetland/Stream Specialists services for the preparation of an Addendum to the Port's existing Wetland Buffer Plan associated with its 20 year, phased Planned Unit Development Permit as a result of changes to its wetland fill strategy in order to accommodate projected airport related and industrial development within the BLI's General Binding Site Plan boundary located in the City of Bellingham's Urban Growth Area, Whatcom County Washington. Background: In 2010, Whatcom County preliminary approved a 20-year, Planned Unit Development Permit (PUD 2008-0000) and General Binding Site Plan (BSP 2008-00003). In 2014, The PUD/BSP was finalized. Associated permits that were approved along with the PUD/BSP included a U.S. A.C.E. individual 404 Permit #NWS-2006-1446, WA Department of Ecology (WQC Order 7811) and WA Department of Fish and Wildlife (HPA NO. 125710-1). BLI experienced tremendous growth in air traffic between 2004 and 2012; Air traffic at BLI plateaued in 2012 and started to decline in 2013. Enplanements continued to decline in 2014 and 2015, requiring the Port of Bellingham to revisit the enplanement forecasts, terminal expansion plans and advance wetland mitigation assumptions, which were the basis for the 2010 wetland permits and BLI Binding Site Plan and PUD permits. As a result, in 2016 -2020 the USACE permit was modified and closed out. To date, only 2.25 acres or approximately 16% of the original planned wetland impacts were realized. The Port now needs to amend the Whatcom County approved Wetland Buffer plan for those wetlands that were previously identified to be filled and were either not filled or partially filled so that the amended buffer plan remains applicable with current Port development plans through the term of the of the PUD permit or 2030. The proposed amended/revised buffer plan would be included in a future application to modify the PUD permit. This Request for Personal Services solicits responses from qualified firms interested in supporting the Port in the preparation an Addendum to the BLI Buffer Plan in order to identify opportunities, for wetland buffer reduction of specific wetlands in Development Area 4. The scope of work is anticipated to be limited to the assessment of a minimum of five wetlands and their buffers for possible reduction from the existing County standard buffer for the potential siting of aviation related businesses and/or industrial development which does not require access to the airfield. Services may include: - Boundary verifications of previously delineated wetlands (where buffer reductions are proposed) - Wetland delineations where conditions have changed - Revised Wetland Ratings (where buffer reductions are proposed) - Preparation of CAO memo with wetland documentation - Provide updated GIS data and shapefiles to reflect revised wetland boundaries - Develop Revised Wetland Buffer reduction strategy - Preparation of Buffer Plan Addendum - Support Port's outreach with regulatory agency (Whatcom County) Responses should address the following evaluation criteria: 1. Firm's Wetland Buffer, experience over the last 5 years (30 points) a. Experience with similar projects b. Experience evaluating and optimizing development area with a focus on wetland buffer reduction. 2. Description of approach to Wetland Buffer reduction (20 points) a. Proposed project team and responsibilities. b. Narrative of approach. 3. Demonstrated capability to perform required services (50 points) a. Key assigned personnel, professional background, and availability. b. Relevant projects; include a brief project summary, roles, and client and regulatory contact references with contact information. c. Knowledge of relevant Port procedures and Bellingham International Airport Plans, permits, and Whatcom County Critical Area regulations. The Port reserves the right to reject any or all submittals. If deemed necessary, the Port will schedule interviews within a week of the deadline for submittal. The successful respondent will be contacted by the Port and shall sign the Port's Standard Agreement for Personal Services; see attached. It is encouraged for consultants responding to the RFP include solicitation and recruitment of certified MBE and WBE firms, to the maximum extent possible. Direct all inquiries on this Request for Personal Services (RFP) to Greg McHenry, Senior Planning Analyst, at 360.676.2500, ext. #331 or The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time. As of September 13, 2022, the due date and time has been confirmed with the owner.


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March 30, 2023


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