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Published November 2, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Hudson, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of 10/17/2022 It is anticipated that the apparent low bidder will be awarded the project. Spring of 2023 is the anticipated start date, weather dependent. A Service Center Roof Recover and DD Building Roof Replacement Project at two separate municipal facilities (Service Center Building and DD Building), located at 1752 Dorset Lane and 1525 N 4th Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin. Roof Recover at Service Center Building (Base Bid No. 1), consists of: Removal and legal disposal of existing sheet metal flashings, gutters, downspouts, abandoned curbs/equipment, and perimeter fall protection system; Removal and salvage of existing roof hatch guardrail system, and safely store for re-installation; Provide wood blocking; Provide 3-1/4-inch EPS profile-cut flute fill insulation; Provide 1-inch polyisocyanurate insulation, mechanically-attached to existing metal roof panels; Provide 1/2-inch cover board adhesively attached to underlying insulation; Provide 60-mil EPDM single-ply roof membrane, fully-adhered; Provide sheet metal, guard rail system, and related Work. Roof Replacement at DD Building (Base Bid No. 2), consists of: Removal and legal disposal of existing roof systems, sheet metal flashings, abandoned equipment and curbs; Provide 1/2-inch thermal barrier, mechanically-attached to existing metal roof deck; Provide self-adhered vapor retarder; Provide tapered polyisocyanurate insulation, adhesively attached; Provide 1/2-inch cover board adhesively attached to underlying insulation; Provide 60-mil EPDM single-ply roof membrane, fully-adhered; Provide roof access ladders, roof hatch, and guard rail system; Provide sheet metal and related Work. Your offer will be required to be submitted under a condition of irrevocability for a period of 60-days after submission. Simultaneously with the delivery of the signed Contract, Bidder shall be required to furnish a 100 - percent Performance-Payment Bond. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers. Bid Result Base Bid 1 - C & A Custom Contractors - 435650 Base Bid 2 - C & A Custom Contractors - 354500




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Multiple Locations, Hudson, WI

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