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Published October 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Iowa City, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 14,000-square-foot municipal facility.

All bids received after the stipulated closing time for receipt of bids will be returned to the bidder unopened. The project consists of the roof replacement of an existing 14000 SF building located at 4515 Melrose Avenue, known as Chatham Oaks. The bid is for a Prime Contract as described in the specifications. Bids shall be on a lump sum basis; segregated sub-bids will not be accepted. remove the existing roof membrane and insulation from the two-story portion of chatham oaks. the lower roof is not part of the scope. install new insulation with backer board, new roof drains, new epdm membrane, and new edge trim. Plans and specifications governing the construction of the proposed Work have been prepared by Vantage Architects, 4900 Bowling Street SW, Suite 100, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404, and will be available. A separate $20.00 check must accompany the deposit for mailing fee (non-refundable, paid to the printer). The following information must accompany the deposit: Company name, mailing address, street address, phone number, email address and type of bidder (i.e. General, Mechanical or Electrical Subcontractor to General, or other). All prints will be delivered through UPS Ground. Vantage Architect, 4900 Bowling Street SW, Suite 100, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 PRINTED SET OF PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS MAY ALSO BE EXAMINED AT the Office of the Johnson County Auditor, 913 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52240, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. OTHER REQUIREMENTS Make proposals on the bid forms supplied in the Project Manual. No oral, telegraphic or telephonic proposals or modifications will be considered. Submit with each bid, a certified check or acceptable bidder's bond payable to Johnson County in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Sum. The surety providing bonds must have an (A-) A.M. Best rating or better or be listed on the U.S. Department of Treasury listing of approved sureties (Department Circular 570). The cost of the Bonds shall be included in the Contract Sum. Bids may not be withdrawn within thirty (30) days after the scheduled time of opening bids, without the consent of the Owner. The award of the contract may be made by Johnson County to any responsible bidder with suitable qualifications offering suitable supplies, equipment and/or service at the lowest price taking into consideration the quality of materials or service in the best interest of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to accept any bid or to reject any or all bids, or parts of such bids, and waive informalities or irregularities in bidding. Further, Johnson County reserves the right to resolicit and/or rebid this project at any time in the future. Award is anticipated to be made by October 13, 2022. Bidder to propose anticipated start and substantial completion dates on Bid Form. Monthly estimates will be paid to the contractor as the work progresses in amounts equal to ninety-five per cent (95%) of the contract value of the work completed during the preceding calendar month, including the actual cost (exclusive of overhead or profit to the contractor) of materials and equipment of a permanent nature to be incorporated in the work and delivered to and stored at the job site. Such monthly payments shall in no way be construed as an act of acceptance for any part of the work, partially or totally completed. Final payment of the remaining amount due the contractor will be made not earlier than thirty-one (31) days from the final acceptance of the work by the Owner, subject to the conditions and in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 26 and 573 of the Code of Iowa. Sales Tax. Iowa sales tax will not be paid on materials purchased for this project. The Owner will issue a sales tax exemption certificate.




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4515 Melrose Ave, Iowa City, IA

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