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Published November 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a transportation facility in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility.

Site Visits are not currently planned. In the event the bidder determines the necessity of a site visit, these must be arranged in advance and approved for the Amtrak Station, located at: RMT-ROCKY MOUNT, NC: 101 Coastline Ave., Rocky Mount, NC 27804 All Bidders must advise Noreen Clifford via Email if they plan on requesting a site visit, along with a list of their employees (limit of two) who will attend. Bidders must provide their own transportation to and from the site and must bring safety shoes, safety glasses, hard hat and reflective orange vest, if you plan on walking the jobsite. Site work o Provide accessible path with striping from public right of way to platform. o Provide accessible path with striping from parking area to platform. o Provide accessible path with striping from station building to platform. Platform o Provide platform with underdrain, detectable warning Surface and guardrails. o Remove and replace grade crossings by others. o Provide accessible sloped walkway connecting platform To grade crossing. o Provide lighting for platform. o Relocate existing benches and trash cans on platform. o Remove and replace post hydrants on platform. Signage o Provide new exterior signage as required. Signage to Comply with Amtrak signage standard and DOTAS 2006. Canopy o Partially deconstruct and salvage existing canopy Components along trackside edge. o Provide new materials where needed. o Modify and reconstruct trackside canopy edge to depth from edge of platform as required to confirm lift Operations and logistics, allowing for full use of Wheelchair lift along entire length of platform. Repaint Reconstructed canopy. o Provide adjusted trackside drainage from roof of Platform canopy to columns. *This project is being bid by invitation only. If you have been contacted by the owner to bid on this project as a general contractor, and would like to be listed below, please notify our editorial staff at contentcase@constructconnect.com.


Transportation Terminals


Public - Federal

Site Work




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101 Coastline St, Rocky Mount, NC

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