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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Reno, Nevada. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Bids must include all Bid Forms as listed in this RFP. Bidder agrees to further itemize the bid prices, and describe its offering in sufficient detail, upon request. CMAR reserves the absolute right to withdraw this RFP or to reject or accept all or any part of the proposal without explanation, to waive any informalities herein, or to accept any proposal where it may appear in the Owner's or CMAR's interest to do so. No liability or obligation of any kind shall be attached to the Owner or CMAR by reason of such action. In order to appear on the Plan Holder's List and receive all project notifications including addenda, prospective bidder shall request and obtain a copy of the Contract Documents and Specifications from MWH&KGW through online bid platform. All questions and correspondence shall be directed to the CMAR Bid Administrators through the contact listing below, or through the online bid platform. Brett Henderson Preconstruction Manager MWH&KGW, a Joint Venture (720) 464-4970 cell 8001 Arista Place, Suite 500 Broomfield, CO 80021 AND Raul Medina Project Engineer MWH&KGW, a Joint Venture (864) 986-8020 cell 8001 Arista Place, Suite 500 Broomfield, CO 80021 Clean Water SRF Funding Project Requirements This project is being funded through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program (SRF). MWH&KGW is requesting subcontractor and supplier quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers. In accordance with Executive Order 12549, contractors, subcontractors, and material and service suppliers (including engineers) whose contract is expected to equal or exceed $25,000 must have a DUNS number and be registered in the US Government System for Award Management (SAM). SRF requires the implementation of Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) assistance recipients to conform to the American Iron and Steel (AIS) requirements. Proposer must abide by NRS 338 statutes paying particular attention to the following: NRS 338.010 to 338.090 Prevailing Wage and Certified Payroll o Subcontractor and its subcontractors shall submit accurate records showing the name, occupation and actual per diem wages and benefits paid to each workman employed by it in connection with this project. Certified payrolls are to be updated by the 15th of the following month. This job is subject to Prevailing Wage. NRS chapter 338.16991 Subcontractor Prequalification o Each Subcontractor who will perform at least 1% of the estimated value of the work or $50,000 - whichever is greater - must be qualified to bid pursuant to NRS chapter 338.16991. Submit a prequalification package on CMAR forms no later than Tuesday, October 18th as an attachment to the proposal. For prequalification applications, assistance or questions regarding prequal contact Raul Medina at or (864) 986-8020. Proposals will be returned to the subcontractor unopened if the subcontractor has not been qualified per NAC 338.580. The submission of a materially incomplete or falsified application for qualification by an applicant or failure to disclose information required in the application is grounds for disqualification. NRS 338.01165; SB 207 (2019) Apprenticeship Utilization o As of January 1, 2020, NRS 338.01165 requires all contractors employing workers on certain public works projects to utilize apprentices for portions of the work. One or more apprentices must be used for at least 3% of the total hours for horizontal construction. These percentages apply to the total hours of labor worked for each apprenticed craft or type of work to be performed on the public work for which more than three workers are employed. Union Requirements o Contractor is signatory with Carpenters Local No. 971, Laborers Local No. 169 and Operators Local No. 03 unions. Subcontractor must likewise be signatory with local unions or be willing to sign project labor agreement(s) with the local labor unions specific to this project. Proof of agreement signed by the union business agent(s) on the local letterhead must accompany your bid All interested bidders shall request Bid Docs and may be obtained upon request by contacting bid administrator at (864) 986-8020 or via e-mail at Bid Docs will be electronically transmitted to all subcontractors and suppliers September 26th, 2022. Your participation is important to us. If we can be of help to you or answer any question or concerns you might have, please contact bid administrator at the listing above.


Water / Sewer


Public - City


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8500 Alexander Lake Rd, Reno, NV

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