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Published November 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a stadium in Ogden, Utah. Completed plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

The State of Utah - Division of Facilities Construction and Management (DFCM) is requesting submittals for the construction of the following project: Dee Events Center MEP Upgrade Weber State University Ogden, UT This Construction Management/General Contractor (CM/GC) project includes: MEP Upgrade of the existing Dee Events Center, located on the Weber State University campus in Ogden, UT. Services will include pre-construction evaluation, estimating, constructability and risk identification as well as full construction services as the prime contract holder. For questions regarding this project, please contact DFCM Project Manager Michael Smith at mikesmith@utah.gov or 801-870-3420. No others are to be contacted regarding this project. Question Submission Close Date 10/20/2022 3:00 PM MDT Project Description The Dee Event Center was constructed in 1978. Few changes have been made to the mechanical and electrical systems since the original construction. Weber State University would like to modernize the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in the building to extend the life of the building for another 30 years. This includes compliance with the University's Master Plan of electrification using variable refrigerant volume systems (VRF) where applicable to reduce site emissions. The University would also like to convert two of the existing fan rooms into lounges or similar high-value spaces. Specific project scope to meet these goals includes: Replace existing air handling equipment in the two remaining fan rooms to meet HVAC loads and generate schematic design documents that describe the work required to make the rooms functional in their new configuration. Generate schematic design documents for supplemental cooling systems as required to meet bowl/playing floor heating and cooling loads. Generate schematic design documents for VRF systems to serve ancillary spaces, including offices, locker rooms, and concessions. Describe the path to ground-coupled heat pump transition. The systems will need to initially integrate with the current boiler/chiller systems, as well as accommodate the different operating temperatures available with ground-coupled systems. Review lighting throughout facility and recommend replacement strategy. Replace existing HVAC and some select lighting control systems. Modernize plumbing and electrical systems as required and/or cost-effective. Evaluate structural capacity, considering current code and potential life-safety upgrades beyond code-required Comply with current life-safety codes, including egress lighting, smoke control, and fire protection, as applicable. Project Vision: Weber State University would like to modernize the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in the building to extend the life of the building for another 30 years. This includes compliance with the University's Master Plan of electrification using variable refrigerant volume systems (VRF) where applicable to reduce site emissions. Overview: The Dee Event Center was constructed in 1978. Few changes have been made to the mechanical and electrical systems since the original construction. Weber State University would like to modernize the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in the building to extend the life of the building for another 30 years. This includes compliance with the University's Master Plan of electrification using variable refrigerant volume systems (VRF) where applicable to reduce site emissions. This project will combine two fan rooms into one to serve the arena, convert ancillary spaces to VRF, replace plumbing, fire protection and electrical in one half of the building. The University would also like to convert two of the four existing fan rooms into lounges or similar high-value spaces. Additionally, a ground source bore field is expected to be installed in the second phase of the project. Phase 1 is anticipated to be built in 2024. Hazardous materials testing confirms asbestos and other hazards are present in the existing building. Significant abatement operations may be required and will be executed under a separate contract. Coordination with the future abatement contractor is to be expected. Upon successful completion of Phase 1 of this project, contractor may be awarded the contract for Phase 2 currently estimated at $5,100,000. Phase 2 will have a similar scope of work for the other half of the building, split east/west. Phase 2 of construction is anticipated to take place in 2025. For questions regarding this project, please contact DFCM Project Manager Michael Smith at mikesmith@utah.gov or 801-870-3420. No others are to be contacted regarding this project


Arenas / Stadiums


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4444 Event Center Drive,, Ogden, UT

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