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Published December 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Project Description: Provide furniture for the Kalamazoo Public Schools new Edison Academy, including student tables and chairs, teacher work stations, office furniture, filing, cafeteria furniture, music equipment, miscellaneous tables and chairs, literature racks, and other similar items as indicated. Quotes received after that time will be returned unopened. All bids will be evaluated at a later date. No late, faxed or e-mailed quotations will be accepted Submit quotation in an opaque envelope. Before sealing the envelope, check to be sure that: 1. The Quotation Form is signed. 2. The product Manufacturer is filled in. 3. Bid Security is included. 4. All addenda are received and acknowledged. 5. Signature Authorization is included. 6. Familial Statement of Disclosure is included. On the outside of the envelope identify: 1. The Project by name, job number and location 2. Vendors name and complete address. It is the policy of Kalamazoo Public Schools that minority and womens business enterprises shall have an equal opportunity to participate as Vendors for this project. The Owner intends to award contracts on or about Friday, November 11th. As required by State Law (P.A. 232 of 2004), all quotes shall be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists between Kalamazoo Public Schools or any employee of the Vendor and any member of the school board or the superintendent of the school district. Quotes that do not include this sworn and notarized disclosure statement will not be accepted. Vendors will be required to provide Quotation security in the form of a surety bond, certified check, or cashiers check in the amount of 5 percent of the quote amount. No quotes may be withdrawn for a period of 90 days after submission. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations, alternates, or proposals, and to accept those quotations, alternates, or proposals that, in his judgement, serve his best interests. The Owner reserves the right to adjust quantities by as much as 10 percent without affecting unit cost. Bid Results Bid Category A1Student Seating Great Lakes Furniture 89652 Bid Category A2 Active Seating Great Lakes Furniture 16363 Bid Category A3 Makerspace Seating Wiser 5455 Bid Category A4 Lobby Seating MOE 4189 Bid Category A5 Media Center Seating MOE 8929 Bid Category A6 Teacher Task Seating Dew-El 21270 Bid Category A7 Admin. Task Seating MOE 2880 Bid Category A8 Stack Seating Dew-El 43376 Bid Category A9 Guest Seating Dew-El 4180 Bid Category A10 Conference Seating Dew-El 9917 Bid Category A11 Staff Seating Dew-El 1582 Bid Category B1 Lounge Chairs MOE 5571 Bid Category B2 Benches MOE 7840 Bid Category B3 Floor Rockers Dew-El 1038 Bid Category B4 Ottomans MOE 3771 Bid Category B5 SEL Furniture Dew-El 11710 Bid Category C1 Student Desks Great Lakes Furniture 136803 Bid Category C2 Group Tables Dew-El 9582 Bid Category C3 Student Tables Custer 24216 Bid Category C4 Media Center Tables Dew-El 6267 Bid Category C5 Art Tables Custer 12784 Bid Category C6 Makerspace Tables Custer 11166 Bid Category C7 Conference Tables MOE 8466 Bid Category C8 Side Tables Custer 5278 Bid Category C9 Cafeteria Tables Dew-El 25880 Bid Category C10 Privacy Desks Custer 7119 Bid Category C11 Lounge Tables MOE 7781 Bid Category D1 Classroom Storage Great Lakes Furniture 37750 Bid Category D2 Metal Casegoods MOE 39427 Bid Category D3 Vertical Storage Dew-El 3036 Bid Category D4 Personal Storage MOE 4872 Bid Category E1 Classroom Shelving Dew-El 74178 Bid Category E2 Media Center Shelving Dew-El 52353 Bid Category E3 Book Cart MOE 360 Bid Category F1 Teacher's Stations MOE 48243 Bid Category G1 Private Offices MOE $3,769 Bid Category G2 Hotel Stations MOE $3,515 Bid Category G3 Pedestal Desk MOE 11282 Bid Category H1 Mailboxes Custer 3135 Bid Category H2 Marker Boards Custer 10207 Bid Category H3 Music Stands MOE 815 Bid Category H4 Literature Racks MOE 1240 Bid Category H5 Choral Risers Great Lakes Furniture 8892 Bid Category H6 Mobile Book Truck MOE 1163




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October 21, 2022

November 11, 2022


924 Russell St, Kalamazoo, MI

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