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Published May 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Davis, California. Design plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Per the owner, as of May 21, 2024, an award has been made for this solicitation and the project is in design. The owner states there is no dedicated funding for this project and they will need to secure grants prior to construction. The owner states tht due to this, there is no construction date scheduled. Closed solicitation has been included below for reference. ........... The City of Davis is soliciting proposals from interested consultant teams for the design of a roundabout at the intersection of Russell Boulevard and Arlington Boulevard. The City, in cooperation with UC Davis, recently completed a Corridor Vision Plan for Russell Boulevard called Reimagine Russell. This effort was in response to existing community desires for the Corridor and the need for UC Davis to mitigate transportation impacts that will result from their planned growth over the next 10 years. Creating a more intuitive and slower speed intersection for travelers at the Russell Blvd/Arlington Blvd intersection was one of the most widely supported corridor improvements during community engagement for the Vision Plan. The City is seeking a design firm with expertise in roundabouts, alternative transportation and complete street design principles to develop a bid ready design that will meet City goals to create a safer roadway environment for all users, address the needs of the most vulnerable travelers (pedestrians, cyclists and students) and accommodate motor vehicle travel at appropriate speeds along the corridor. The City has a long history of innovative design of our transportation infrastructure, especially in the area of bicycle mode travel. With this design, the City seeks a firm familiar with and having demonstrated design experience in best practices from around the world that will serve the City's needs at this location. In 2018, City staff went on a weeklong educational trip to the Netherlands to learn about the Dutch approach to serving all modes of travel within transportation corridors and especially how best to address the needs of pedestrians and cyclists without reducing the mobility of motor vehicles. An area of interest from this trip was how the Dutch handle the slower speed angle of entry into and out of roundabouts and how they handle pedestrian and bicycle movement around and through these intersections. The design should fit entirely within the existing public right of way (R/W), endeavor to retain as many of the existing mature trees within the project area as possible and, address safe travel movements for all modes at the adjacent intersections on each leg (Eisenhower Street to the east, Evenstar Lane to the north and the Village Homes mid-block pedestrian/bike crossing to the west). All requests, questions, or other communications regarding this RFP shall be made in writing to the City via email only. Address all communications to Dianna Jensen, City Engineer: Questions about this RFP are required to be submitted via email to Ryan Chapman by Friday, October 28, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Questions submitted after the due date or via phone will not be accepted. All substantive questions and answers will be posted below (PDF format) and distributed to applicants. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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May 21, 2025


Russell Blvd & Arlington Blvd, Davis, CA

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Russell / Arlington Boulevard Roundabout - City of Davis

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