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Published December 2, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a religious / funeral development in Cohasset, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a religious / funeral development.

The Town of Cohasset, Massachusetts, is seeking sealed responses for repair and/or restoration of the Cohasset Town Clock, which is located on the Cohasset Town Common. The Town solicits written Responses from qualified firms or individuals for repair and/ or restoration of the Cohasset Town Clock, which is located on the Cohasset Town Common. The exact location is at the First Parish Church. There is a E. Howard clock which has two functions, time and hour strike. The hour strike system has been disconnected from the bell and some components removed. The escape wheel has been removed and the clock will not run without this. The access to the clock is tight and difficult to navigate. The Successful Responder/Quoting Party shall: o Remove all components including bevel gears, dial shafts, dial gears, hands, weights, pulleys and bell hammer. o Remove all dirt, oil and grease and polish to original bright finish. o Machine a new escape wheel from brass and machine a new steel shaft and pinion. o Machine a maintaining power wheel, spring and pawl and install. o Repair the damaged fan fly and lock components for the strike. o Remove oil caps on all the bushings and repair damage to the bushings. Polish and lacquer each bushing. o Remove all grease, dirt, oil and rust from cast iron movement plates, bridge plate and cast-iron movement framework. Repair as needed. Prime and paint to the original E. Howard orange and brown color and green lettering design. o Disassemble the pendulum, remove al hardware, clean polish and lacquer. Reinstall and paint cast iron pendulum. o Assemble clock movement and set running. o Supply original E. Howard style weights as needed. o Disassemble and clean motion works and examine for wear. Machine where necessary. Repair all broken motion works. Machine work new shafts. Polish and assemble. o Disassemble and remove all dirt, grease oil and rust from universal joints and expansion units. Machine where necessary and paint. Install the universal joints and expansion units. o Remove the eight hand hubs from the four sets of hands and examine. Cut four-hour hands and four-minute hands to match original E. Howard design. Install and balance the reconditioned hand hubs. Disassemble the bell hammer and remove all wear. Weigh and adjust as necessary. Paint. o Install new wire rope. o Install automatic weight winding system. o Design, machine and install all components necessary for mechanical programmable AM/PM shut off for the bell strike. Each Response shall be submitted in accordance with the Submission Requirements in order to be considered for award. Any Response submitted shall be binding for ninety (90) days subsequent to the time of the opening of Responses. Within ten (10) calendar days after notification of award of a Contract by the Town, the Successful Responder/Quoting Party shall furnish to the Town a Performance Bond, in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price with a surety company which is acceptable to the Town and which is licensed by the Massachusetts Division of Insurance. Within ten (10) calendar days after notification of award of a Contract by the Town, the Successful Responder/Quoting Party shall furnish to the Town a Labor and Materials Payment Bond, in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the Contract price with a surety company which is acceptable to the Town and which is licensed by the Massachusetts Division of Insurance. The Town of Cohasset reserves the right to accept any bid, to reject any and/or all bids, and to waive minor irregularities and/or formalities as it deems to be in the best interest of the Town.Question Deadline 11/04/2022 at 4:00 PM ET Questions shall be submitted to the Procurement Officer, via email at leary@cohassetma.org, by the close of business


Religious / Funeral


Public - City


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23 N Main St, Cohasset, MA

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