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Published October 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Bids shall be based upon the anticipated annual chemical requirements in accordance with the most recent Standard Specifications of the American Water Works Association governing such chemicals. Since all chemicals must have NSF/ANSI Standard 60 approval, the bidder shall submit a copy of the NSF / ANSI approval for each chemical bid. SPECIAL NOTICE:Due to the highly competitive market conditions that currently exist, no price increases will be tolerated for the duration of the bid. All bids, once awarded will be considered final. Any deviation from the bid requirements after the bids have been awarded will constitute a breach of contractual obligation, and the individual bid will be awarded to the next lowest qualified bidder. The total anticipated annual requirements of the Authority's Eastvale WTP are as follows: ALUMINUM SULFATE / POLYMER BLEND 1,500,000 lbs. Liquid Alum/Polymer Blend. (AWWA B403-09). (dry weight) This bid requires pre-bid approval with Jar Testing of the Alum/Polymer Blend in order to demonstrate equivalent performance to Delta Floc-610, the product currently being utilized. If your product has not been jar tested at the behest of the Production Manager of the Beaver Falls Municipal Authority, you will not be considered eligible for this bid. All bid prices are to be submitted on a per pound / as product basis. Deliveries must be made with bulk tanker trucks equipped to transport 45,000 lbs. shipments. All chemicals must be certified under NSF / ANSI standard 60 for use in potable water treatment, and be manufactured in the United States of America. DENSE SODIUM CARBONATE (SODA ASH) 600,000 lbs. Bulk Dense Soda Ash., (AWWA spec. B201-13). Price is to be submitted on a per pound , /as product, basis. Deliveries must be made with bulk tanker trucks equipped to transport 45,000 lbs. shipments. All chemicals must be certified under NSF/ ANSI standard 60 for use in potable water treatment. All chemicals must meet applicable AWWA standards and be manufactured in the United States of America. LIQUID CHLORINE 110,000 lbs. (55 One Ton containers) of Liquid Chlorine (AWWA Spec. B301-10) Bids are to be submitted on a per pound basis. All chemicals must be certified under NSF /ANSI Standard 60 for use in potable water treatment. All chemicals must meet applicable AWWA standards and be manufactured in the United States of America. LIQUID SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,000 gallons liquid Sodium Hypo-chlorite (AWWA Spec. B-300-10). Liquid Hypo-chlorite is to have a minimum of 20 % active hypo-chlorite. All prices must be submitted on a per pound /as product basis. All chemicals must meet all applicable AWWA standards, must be certified under NSF/ANSI standard 60 for use in potable water, and be manufactured in the United States of America. POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE (DRY) (One Hundred Six 330 lbs. Drums), Potassium Permanganate. Total 35,000 lbs. (ANSI/AWWA B603-16). Product must be palletized and shrink -wrapped for forklift removal. Prices are to be submitted on a per pound /as product basis. All chemicals must be certified under NSF /ANSI standard 60 for use in potable water treatment. This bid requires pre-bid approval for the product being bid to demonstrate that the product is of equal quality with CAIROX, (product currently being utilized). Should you wish to submit a bid for 2023 for this product, you must submit a sample drum of material to the Production Manager for compatibility determinations. All chemicals must meet all applicable AWWA standards and be manufactured in the United States of America. SODIUM FLOROSILICATE 15,000 lbs. of Sodium Fluorosilicate. (AWWA B702-11). Deliveries must be in 40 or 50 lb. bags, and product must be palletized and shrink-wrapped for forklift removal. Prices are to be submitted on a per pound / as product basis. All chemicals must be certified under NSF/ ANSI standard 60 for use in potable water treatment. All chemicals must meet all applicable AWWA standards and be manufactured in the United States of America. LIQUID ZINC ORTHO-PHOSPHATE 25,000 lbs. liquid Zinc Ortho-phosphate Corrosion Inhibitor. (AWWA B 506-13), Product must have 37 % ortho-phosphate and 13 % zinc. Manufacturer must provide certificate of analysis with each 200-gallon tote of product stating that product is manufactured using zinc chloride containing less than 0.5 ppm lead. Deliveries must be in a truck capable of maneuvering in a 15-foot-wide access road. The supplier must also provide a suitable transfer pump to move the material into the Authority's day tanks. Price is to be submitted on a per pound / as product basis. All chemicals must be certified under NSF / ANSI standard 60 for use in potable water treatment. All chemicals must meet all applicable AWWA standards and be manufactured in the United States of America. POWDERED ACTIVATED CARBON 130,000 lbs. Powdered Activated Carbon., (PAC)., (AWWA - B-600-16). {Bulk deliveries and 50 lb. Bags}. Specification to meet or exceed Calgon product (WPL-M). Minimum iodine number of 800. The PAC will be evaluated on a cost - effective basis for the removal of Geosmin and MIB under simulated treatment plant conditions, and only those products that have been evaluated prior to bidding will be considered. The following products have already been evaluated and assigned a performance factor': STANDARD PURIFICATION--- WaterCarb-L STANDARD PURIFICATION--- WaterCarb-800 CARBON RESOURCES--- CR325AA-10 JACOBI --- AquaSorb C500 JACOBI --- AquaSorb CB3-MW CARBOCHEM--- PAC 1000; P1000 and LQ-325 CALGON--- WPL-M, WPH, WPH-M WESTVACO-- Aquanuchar NORIT-- HDB PICAHYDRO--- MP23; XP20 and FP17 ADA --- PowerPAC H2O Plus CARB PURE---- 800, 800F, 800F RA PULSORB ----- WP260-90 CABOT ---- PF If you have a product that meets the bid specifications that you wish to be evaluated, please contact the Production Manager at the Beaver Falls Municipal Authority. All chemicals must conform to NSF / ANSI standard 60 for use in potable water treatment, and meet all applicable AWWA standards. Bulk deliveries must be made with bulk tanker trucks equipped to transport 25,000 lbs. shipments. Bag shipments must be 50 lb. bags, palletized, and shrink wrapped for forklift removal. All chemicals must meet all applicable AWWA standards and be manufactured in the United States of America. EARTH TEC QZ MOLLUSCICIDE 25,000 lbs. (Forty-Five 550 lbs drums) of Earth Tec QZ Molluscicide (EPA Registration No. 64962-1) Product must be palletized and shrink -wrapped for forklift removal. Prices are to be submitted on a per pound /as product basis. All chemicals must be certified under NSF /ANSI Standard 60 for use in potable water treatment. All chemicals must meet applicable AWWA standards and be manufactured in the United States of America. LIQUID AMMONIUM SULFATE 250,000 lbs. Liquid Ammonium Sulfate (40%) Deliveries must be in a truck capable of maneuvering in a 15-foot-wide access road. The supplier must also provide a suitable transfer pump to move the material into the Authority's 2000-gallon bulk storage tank. Price is to be submitted on a per pound / as product basis. All chemicals must be certified under NSF / ANSI standard 60 for use in potable water treatment. All chemicals must meet all applicable AWWA standards and be manufactured in the United States of America. Notice to vendors: Bid prices are to be firm for the entire year and include all applicable transportation, permits and insurance charges. If you anticipate an increase in the transportation costs during the time period covered by the bid, the individual bids should reflect that increase. No price increases will be tolerated during the time period covered by the bid. If it becomes impossible for a manufacturer to meet the bid requirements, the next lowest and qualified vendor will be awarded the bid. The beaver falls municipal authority reserves the right to accept or reject any proposals and to sub-divide the award of the contracts for the individual chemicals if such may be considered in the best interests of the authority. All deliveries shall be made in quantities specified by the production manager at the time the order is placed.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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101 2nd Ave E, Beaver Falls, PA

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