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Published November 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fulton, Mississippi. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Separate sealed bids for the purchase of caustic for a potable water treatment plant of 18 Mgd capacity These bids will be submitted for approval at the meeting of the district board on december 15th, 2022. All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope ad- dressed to the northeast mississippi regional water supply district. Each sealed envelope containing a bid must be plainly marked on the outside as Bid for caus- tic to be opened december 8th , 2022. Bid prices will be F.O.B. To the northeast mississippi re- gional water treatment plant, 5590 hwy 178 west, Ful- ton, MS 38843. The north- east mississippi regional water supply district re- serves the right to accept alternate bids in the event the primary supplier is un- able to provide products as specified. Caustic must be ansi/nsf standard 60 approved. All vendors shall provide cer- tificate of ansi/nsf standard 60 approvals. This shall be submitted with your bid. The bid shall be on a bulk basis and material shall meet the following specifications: 1. Sodium hydroxide (caus- tic soda) chemical requirements 4.2.2 liquid sodium hydroxide supply under the provisions of this standard shall contain approxi- mately 50 percent sodium hydrox- ide. Material should comply with specification B501-98 awwa impurities 4.3.1 the sodium hydroxide supplied according to this standard shall contain no soluble material or organic substances in quantities capable of producing deleterious or injurious effects on the health of those consuming water that has been treated properly with the sodium hydroxide. Caustic to be bid delivered to the plant site in peppertown, Mississippi. Delivery times recongnized at the plant will be monday - friday, 8 am to 4 pm. Size of orders will be based on available storage at the plant. All prices shall be for bulk quantities and said prices shall remain constant for a period of three calendar months, january 1st, 2023 thru march 31st, 2023, following the acceptance of the bids. The district shall not recognize any modifications to the price of the chemicals during quarter, including but not limited to fuel surcharges and other charges. Invoices received after the third wednesday of the month, will be paid the following month. The district reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Any questions concerning the quantities or other specifications herein should be made to melvin orr, veolia water north america, post office box 111, fulton, mississippi, 38843, telephone (662)-862-7045.


Water / Sewer

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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December 8, 2022

January 1, 2023


5590 MS-178, Fulton, MS

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