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Published February 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Pryor, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation (HACN) is soliciting competitive proposals for providing and installing playground equipment at various projects throughout the Cherokee Nation Reservation. To receive preference, contractor/vendor must be TERO certified through the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office; proof of certification must accompany submittals. Successful bidder will be obligated to comply with Tribal rules and regulations and TERO. The Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation seeks a contractor to propose playground equipment to be installed at these locations: 45-16 Cherokee Heights 100 Cherokee Heights, Pryor, OK 45-24 Johnny Chopper Johnny Chopper Drive, Locust Grove, OK 45-25 Plainview I W. Elm St., Stilwell, OK 45-26 Plainview II W. Elm St., Stilwell, OK 45-30 Swimmer Addition Wheeler Circle, Tahlequah, OK 45-38 Bushyhead Heights I 150 Goingsnake, Westville, OK 45-39 Houston Johnson Heights North 6th Avenue, Warner, OK 45-42 Cherokee Village 310 Stan Watie, Catoosa, OK 45-43 Keeler Heights 1003 S. Virginia, Bartlesville, OK 45-45 Willard Stone 300 Willard Stone, Locust Grove, OK 45-47 Robert Swimmer Addition 109 13th Street. Jay, OK 45-48 Jack Brown Heights Nola Avenue, Tahlequah, OK 45-52 Proctor Heights II 100 Proctor Heights, Hulbert, OK 45-54 Bushyhead Heights II McNair Circle, Westville, OK Based upon the ranking criteria and final negotiation (if any), the HACN will select the contractor whose proposal, with price and other factors considered, is most advantageous to the HACN. The HACN reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received in response to this request, to negotiate with all qualified sources providing proposals in the competitive range, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this Request for Proposals (RFP) if, for any reason, it is in the best interest of the HACN to do so. Cherokee (Tribal) and/or Indian preference will be given only to contractors who provide proof of current certification from the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) located in Tahlequah, OK. Proof of TERO certification must accompany and be included in the proposal. If no TERO vendor is available, Indian preference will be given in accordance with Section 7(b) of the Indian Self- Determination and Education ssistance Act, which requires in part that to the greatest extent feasible, preference in the award of contracts and sub-contracts shall be given to Indian Organizations and Indian Owned Economic Enterprises. Any questions pertaining to this RFP should be directed to loy.towie@hacn.org or by calling Loy Towie 918-458-1447.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - Federal

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Pryor, OK

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