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Published May 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

36C25623R0035_4120_564-22-809_CONSTRUCTION_SOLICITATION Amendment 003 (4/17/23) The purpose of amendment 003 36C25623R0035 Replace Chiller 1 Solicitation is to clarify the updated documents. The AMENDED documents are located under the attachments section titled: 36C25623R0035 SOLICITATION FOR REPLACE CHILLER 1 R1- AMENDMENT; SOW Chiller 1 R12 AMENDED; 36C25623R0035 RFI RESPONSES REPLACE CHILLER 1 R2. If there is no hyperlink, it is a previous version of a document that has been replaced. No other changes are made via this amendment. Amendment 002 (4/17/23) The purpose of amendment 002 36C25623R0035 Replace Chiller 1 Solicitation is to update the Solicitation, Statement of Work (SOW), and to respond to RFIs. The amended documents can be located under the attachments section titled: 36C25623R0035 SOLICITATION FOR REPLACE CHILLER 1 R1- AMENDMENT; SOW Chiller 1 R12 AMENDED; 36C25623R0035 RFI RESPONSES REPLACE CHILLER 1 R2. SOW Document is highlighted with changes however; offerers must review ALL documents in full for all changes. Amendment 001 (4/7/23) The purpose of Amendment 001 36C25623R0035 Replace Chiller 1 Solicitation is to extend out the RFP due date to 28 April 2023 to accomodate RFI responses and other necessary changes. No other changes were made via this amendment. All inquiries about this solicitation shall be directly submitted in writing via email to the Contract Specialist: lisa.peace@va.gov. No phone or faxed inquiry will be accepted. Deadline for all inquiries for this solicitation is listed on the SF1442. This procurement will be issued as 100% Set-Aside for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOSB) through RFP Procedures under FAR 15 and other FAR Parts and Subparts as applicable. The Veterans Health Care system of the Ozarks (VHSO) has a requirement to Replace Chiller 1, Project #564-22-809. The RFP posting date is 14 March 2023 with proposals due 14 April 2023. The anticipated contract award date is approximately 30 calendar days or less after receipt of proposals. The recommended Period of Performance is 270 Calendar days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Location of the work is at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks (VHSO), Main Campus, 1100 N. College Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72703. The contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, expertise, administration, supervision, transportation, and anything else necessary to perform all work as describe in the project's scope of work (SOW), Drawings, and specifications. NAICS Code: 238220- Plumbing, Heating, Air-Conditioning Contractors applicable, and the Small Business Size Standard is $19.0M. Construction Cost Range for this project (Magnitude of Construction) is between $500,000 and $1,000,000.00. Interested offerors are asked to read the RFP and all its associated attachments/documents in their entirety prior to forwarding any questions to the Contracting Office. Only one Site visit will be conducted and no requests for additional Site Visits or make up Site Visits will be granted. Site visit is scheduled for 24 March 2023 at 10:00am Local time (see attached RFP for instructions) RFI's are due NLT 6 April 2023 by 5:00 pm CT. The RFP is posted and can be downloaded (without any charge) from the SAM.gov website. Offerors are responsible for obtaining the RFP (and associated documents/attachments) from the SAM.gov website and for acknolwedging all Amendments to the RFP. It is the responsiblity of all interested offerors to check the SAM.gov website as necessary for any Amendments to the RFP (to include the day bids are due). In accordance with VAAR 819.7003. Eligibility, at the time of submission of proposal, the offeror must represent to the Contracting Officer that it is a SDVOSB concern, that it is a small business concern under the NAICS code assigned to the acquisition, and it is verified for eligibility in the Vendor Information Pages (VIP) database on the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization VetCert Vendor Information Pages at (https:/www.veterans.certify.gov) and have the Center of Veterans Enterprise (CVE) Verification Icon/Seal/Logo. To be considered for award, SDVOSB concerns must be registered and verified in the System of Awards (SAM) database. Information on the VetCert Registry and CVE Verification can be found *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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1100 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR

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