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Published November 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Salina, Kansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The SAA will notify contractor if snow removal services are needed at any of the following priority locations. The services will include Ice Control (Salt) treatment (after snow removal) at all locations except the overflow parking lot in Priority 1 and all of Priority Area No. 9. Pre-treatment may also be requested by the SAA. Priority 1: Salina Regional Airport, M.J. Kennedy Air Terminal Bldg. (B120), 3237 Arnold Ave. This area includes the paved parking lot and the overflow parking lots to the south and east. Priority 2: Salina Air Traffic Control Tower parking lot, east side, 2727 Arnold Ave. Priority 3: Avflight North, (B700), north parking lot; entire parking lot area and west end of Beechcraft Road north of Avflight, 2035 Beechcraft Road. Priority 4: Salina Driver's License Office, Bldg. 394, 2941 Centennial Rd. Priority 5: Durham Services, Bldg. 824 and bus and vehicle parking lot, 2359 Hein Ave. Priority 6: Hangar 959, employee parking lots, 2044 Scanlan Ave. Priority 7: Hangar 600, north and east parking lots, 2720 Arnold Court. Priority 8: Hangar 606 parking lot, 2630 Arnold Ct. Priority 9: Salina Development Center (B520), west parking stalls and east tenant parking lot and loading dock area, 2775 Arnold Ave. Priority 10: Hangar 506-1 and 506-2 east parking lot, 2010 A and B Kneubuhl Court Priority 11: Water's True Value Corporate Offices, (B122) north and east parking lot, Bldg. 122, 3213 Arnold Ave. Priority 12: Alltel/U.S. Cellular, (B127), west parking lot, 3119 Arnold. Ave. Priority 13: Building B412 parking lot, 2804 Arnold Avenue Priority 14: Building 595 parking lot, 2761 Berschel Questions concerning the Plans and Requirements for this service should be directed to Maynard Cunningham with the Salina Airport Authority, 785-827-3914. Interested contractors should submit their proposal on the SAA snow removal proposal form and must include a copy of their certificate of insurance to be considered. The right is reserved, as the Salina Airport Authority may require, to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in the bids received.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Salina, KS

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