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Published January 17, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Valley View, Ohio. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Cuy-pleasant valley road (c.R. 39) (bridges 09.03, 09.35 and 09.68) pre-phased canal Road/hillside road intersection widening and temporary signal installation Village of valley view and city of independence pid no. 104504, fan e200(167) In the event of a re-bid, the fee will be waived for all vendors on the original plan holders list, provided that the Proposal Package, the Cuyahoga County Engineer Specification Booklet, the Plans and the Standard Construction Drawings are not revised by the County. Bidders are encouraged to register in the Infor Supplier Portal, the County's Electronic Bid Submissions program and to receive notices of future bid opportunities [Phone: (216) 443-7200 Prior to signing a contract with the County, contractors must be registered with the Cuyahoga County Inspector General. Registration information can be accessed on the Internet Prospective Bidders shall comply with the applicable contract compliance procedures for the County's Diversity Program, as stipulated by Cuyahoga County. At the time of the Bid opening, all Subcontractors submitted as Diversity Program Subcontractors must be pre-qualified by the Ohio Department of Transportation, (ODOT) to perform the specified work type, unless otherwise indicated per the General Provisions, Section 108, 108.01 "Subletting of Contract". Each bidder shall include a bid guaranty with every proposal, per ohio revised code (orc) section 153.54. The bid Guaranty must be in the form of either a bid bond for the full amount (100%) of the bid, or in the form of a certified check, Cashier's check, or irrevocable letter of credit, per orc chapter 1305, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total Amount of the bid. If a bid bond is submitted as the bid guaranty, it must be that of an approved surety authorized to Transact business in the state of ohio and it shall automatically increase to a 100% performance and payment bond. If a Certified check, cashier's check, or irrevocable letter of credit is submitted as the bid guaranty, it must be drawn on a solvent Bank and made payable without condition to the treasurer of cuyahoga county. The county shall hold the bid bond or Certified check, cashier's check, or irrevocable letter of credit as a guaranty that if the proposal is accepted, the bidder will Enter into a contract for same. the Contractor agrees on behalf of the submitting business entity, its officers, employees, Subcontractors, subgrantees, agents or assigns, that all contract documents requiring County signatures may be executed by electronic means, and that the electronic signatures affixed by the County to said documents shall have the same legal effect as if that signature was manually affixed to a paper version of the document. The Contractor also agrees on behalf of the aforementioned entity and persons, to be bound by the provisions of Chapters 304 and 1306 of the Ohio Revised Code as they pertain to electronic transactions, and to comply with the electronic signature policy of Cuyahoga County. Cuyahoga County reserves the right and discretion to reject any bid or proposal for any reason, or all bids or proposals for no reason at all, without incurring any liability.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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Canal Rd & Hillside Rd, Valley View, OH

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